Additional Parameters

    • class VisualizationParameters(_print_networks_summary=False, dump_csv=True, dump_signals_to_csv_every_x_episodes=5, dump_gifs=False, dump_mp4=False, video_dump_methods=None, dump_in_episode_signals=False, dump_parameters_documentation=True, render=False, native_rendering=False, max_fps_for_human_control=10, tensorboard=False, add_rendered_image_to_env_response=False)[source]
      • Parameters
        • dump_csv – If set to True, the logger will dump logs to a csv file once in every dump_signals_to_csv_every_x_episodesepisodes. The logs can be later used to visualize the training process using Coach Dashboard.

        • dump_signals_to_csv_every_x_episodes – Defines the number of episodes between writing new data to the csv log files. Lower values can affectperformance, as writing to disk may take time, and it is done synchronously.

        • dump_gifs – If set to True, GIF videos of the environment will be stored into the experiment directory according tothe filters defined in video_dump_methods.

        • dump_mp4 – If set to True, MP4 videos of the environment will be stored into the experiment directory according tothe filters defined in video_dump_methods.

        • dump_in_episode_signals – If set to True, csv files will be dumped for each episode for inspecting different metrics within theepisode. This means that for each step in each episode, different metrics such as the reward, thefuture return, etc. will be saved. Setting this to True may affect performance severely, and thereforethis should be used only for debugging purposes.

        • dump_parameters_documentation – If set to True, a json file containing all the agent parameters will be saved in the experiment directory.This may be very useful for inspecting the values defined for each parameters and making sure that allthe parameters are defined as expected.

        • render – If set to True, the environment render function will be called for each step, rendering the image of theenvironment. This may affect the performance of training, and is highly dependent on the environment.By default, Coach uses PyGame to render the environment image instead of the environment specific rendered.To change this, use the native_rendering flag.

        • native_rendering – If set to True, the environment native renderer will be used for rendering the environment image.In some cases this can be slower than rendering using PyGame through Coach, but in other cases theenvironment opens its native renderer by default, so rendering with PyGame is an unnecessary overhead.

        • max_fps_for_human_control – The maximum number of frames per second used while playing the environment as a human. This only haseffect while using the –play flag for Coach.

        • tensorboard – If set to True, TensorBoard summaries will be stored in the experiment directory. This can later beloaded in TensorBoard in order to visualize the training process.

        • video_dump_methods – A list of dump methods that will be used as filters for deciding when to save videos.The filters in the list will be checked one after the other until the first dump method that returnsfalse for should_dump() in the environment class. This list will only be used if dump_mp4 or dump_gif areset to True.

        • add_rendered_image_to_env_response – Some environments have a different observation compared to the one displayed while rendering.For some cases it can be useful to pass the rendered image to the agent for visualization purposes.If this flag is set to True, the rendered image will be added to the environment EnvResponse object,which will be passed to the agent and allow using those images.

    • class PresetValidationParameters(_test=False, min_reward_threshold=0, max_episodes_to_achieve_reward=1, num_workers=1, reward_test_level=None, test_using_a_trace_test=True, trace_test_levels=None, trace_max_env_steps=5000, read_csv_tries=200)[source]
        • test – A flag which specifies if the preset should be tested as part of the validation process.

        • min_reward_threshold – The minimum reward that the agent should pass after max_episodes_to_achieve_reward episodes when thepreset is run.

        • max_episodes_to_achieve_reward – The maximum number of episodes that the agent should train using the preset in order to achieve thereward specified by min_reward_threshold.

        • num_workers – The number of workers that should be used when running this preset in the test suite for validation.

        • test_using_a_trace_test – A flag that specifies if the preset should be run as part of the trace tests suite.

        • trace_test_levels – The environment level or levels, given by a list of strings, that should be tested as part of thetrace tests suite.

        • trace_max_env_steps – An integer representing the maximum number of environment steps to run when running this preset as partof the trace tests suite.

        • read_csv_tries – The number of retries to attempt for reading the experiment csv file, before declaring failure.

    • class TaskParameters(_framework_type: rl_coach.base_parameters.Frameworks = , evaluate_only: int = None, use_cpu: bool = False, experiment_path='/tmp', seed=None, checkpoint_save_secs=None, checkpoint_restore_dir=None, checkpoint_restore_path=None, checkpoint_save_dir=None, export_onnx_graph: bool = False, apply_stop_condition: bool = False, num_gpu: int = 1)[source]
      • Parameters
        • framework_type – deep learning framework type. currently only tensorflow is supported

        • evaluate_only – if not None, the task will be used only for evaluating the model for the given number of steps.A value of 0 means that task will be evaluated for an infinite number of steps.

        • use_cpu – use the cpu for this task

        • experiment_path – the path to the directory which will store all the experiment outputs

        • seed – a seed to use for the random numbers generator

        • checkpoint_save_secs – the number of seconds between each checkpoint saving

        • checkpoint_restore_dir – [DEPECRATED - will be removed in one of the next releases - switch to checkpoint_restore_path]the dir to restore the checkpoints from

        • checkpoint_restore_path – the path to restore the checkpoints from

        • checkpoint_save_dir – the directory to store the checkpoints in

        • apply_stop_condition – If set to True, this will apply the stop condition defined by reaching a target success rate

        • num_gpu – number of GPUs to use

    • class DistributedTaskParameters(_framework_type: rl_coach.base_parameters.Frameworks, parameters_server_hosts: str, worker_hosts: str, job_type: str, task_index: int, evaluate_only: int = None, num_tasks: int = None, num_training_tasks: int = None, use_cpu: bool = False, experiment_path=None, dnd=None, shared_memory_scratchpad=None, seed=None, checkpoint_save_secs=None, checkpoint_restore_path=None, checkpoint_save_dir=None, export_onnx_graph: bool = False, apply_stop_condition: bool = False)[source]
      • Parameters
        • evaluate_only – if not None, the task will be used only for evaluating the model for the given number of steps.A value of 0 means that task will be evaluated for an infinite number of steps.

        • parameters_server_hosts – comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs to which the parameter servers areassigned

        • worker_hosts – comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs to which the workers are assigned

        • job_type – the job type - either ps (short for parameters server) or worker

        • task_index – the index of the process

        • num_tasks – the number of total tasks that are running (not including the parameters server)

        • num_training_tasks – the number of tasks that are training (not including the parameters server)

        • use_cpu – use the cpu for this task

        • experiment_path – the path to the directory which will store all the experiment outputs

        • dnd – an external DND to use for NEC. This is a workaround needed for a shared DND not using the scratchpad.

        • seed – a seed to use for the random numbers generator

        • checkpoint_save_secs – the number of seconds between each checkpoint saving

        • checkpoint_restore_path – the path to restore the checkpoints from

        • checkpoint_save_dir – the directory to store the checkpoints in

        • export_onnx_graph – If set to True, this will export an onnx graph each time a checkpoint is saved

        • apply_stop_condition – If set to True, this will apply the stop condition defined by reaching a target success rate