Upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2

    Add the Chaos Mesh repository to the Helm repository and update it:

    If you installed Chaos Mesh with a certain values.yaml, it is recommended to apply your customized configuration to the values.yaml of Chaos Mesh 2.2.0.

    If you do not recognize the changed configurations, you might not rely on that specific feature, it is usually safe to ignore them.

    Here is a list of Helm Chart changes:

    • new configuration: chaosDaemon.mtls.enabled represents using mtls bwteen chaos-controller-manager and chaos-daemon.
    • new configuration: webhook.caBundlePEM represents the CA bundle used to serve the webhook server.
    • value changed: webhook.FailurePolicy changed from Ignore to Fail

    For Kubernetes version >= 1.16, you can apply the latest CRD by executing the following command:

    For Kubernetes version <= 1.15, you can apply the latest CRD by executing the following command:

    Ask the Community

    If you have any questions about upgrading Chaos Mesh, feel free to contact us at Slack Channel, GitHub and Discussions.