Code Generation with Bake
- You have the PHP CLI installed and that it has the proper modules enabled (eg: MySQL, intl).
- Users also might have issues if the database host is ‘localhost’ and should try ‘’ instead, as localhost can cause issues with PHP CLI.
- Depending on how your computer is configured, you may have to set execute rights on the cake bash script to call it using .
Before running bake you should make sure you have at least one databaseconnection configured. See the section on database configuration for more information.
When run with no arguments will output a list of availabletasks.
You should see something like:
- $ bin/cake bake --help
- Welcome to CakePHP v3.4.6 Console
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- App : src
- Path: /var/www/
- PHP : 5.6.20
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- The Bake script generates controllers, models and template files for
- your application. If run with no command line arguments, Bake guides the
- user through the class creation process. You can customize the
- generation process by telling Bake where different parts of your
- application are using command line arguments.
- Usage:
- cake bake.bake [subcommand] [options]
- all Bake a complete MVC skeleton.
- behavior Bake a behavior class file.
- cell Bake a cell class file.
- component Bake a component class file.
- controller Bake a controller skeleton.
- fixture Generate fixtures for use with the test suite. You
- can use `bake fixture all` to bake all fixtures.
- form Bake a form class file.
- helper Bake a helper class file.
- mailer Bake a mailer class file.
- migration Bake migration class.
- migration_diff Bake migration class.
- migration_snapshot Bake migration snapshot class.
- model Bake table and entity classes.
- plugin Create the directory structure, AppController class
- and testing setup for a new plugin. Can create
- plugins in any of your bootstrapped plugin paths.
- seed Bake seed class.
- shell Bake a shell class file.
- shell_helper Bake a shell_helper class file.
- template Bake views for a controller, using built-in or
- custom templates.
- test Bake test case skeletons for classes.
- To see help on a subcommand use `cake bake.bake [subcommand] --help`
- Options:
- --connection, -c Database connection to use in conjunction with `bake
- all`. (default: default)
- --everything Bake a complete MVC skeleton, using all the available
- tables. Usage: "bake all --everything"
- --force, -f Force overwriting existing files without prompting.
- --help, -h Display this help.
- --plugin, -p Plugin to bake into.
- --prefix Prefix to bake controllers and templates into.
- --quiet, -q Enable quiet output.
- --tablePrefix Table prefix to be used in models.
- --theme, -t The theme to use when baking code. (choices:
- Bake|Migrations)
- --verbose, -v Enable verbose output.
The theme option is common to all bake commands, and allows changing the baketemplate files used when baking. To create your own templates, see the.