This middleware adds a that can be used in log formats: {upstream} - the name of the upstream host to which the request was proxied.
In its most basic form, a simple reverse proxy uses this syntax:
- from is the base path to match for the request to be proxied
- to is the destination endpoint to proxy to (may include a port range)
However, advanced features including load balancing can be utilized with an expanded syntax:
proxy *from to...* { policy *name* *[value]* fail_timeout *duration* max_fails *integer* max_conns *in≈teger* try_duration *duration* try_interval *duration* health_check *path* health_check_port *port* health_check_interval *interval_duration* health_check_timeout *timeout_duration* health_check_contains *substring* fallback_delay *delay_duration* header_upstream *name value* header_downstream *name value* keepalive *number* timeout *duration* without *prefix* except *ignored_paths...* upstream *to* ca_certificates *certs...* insecure_skip_verify *preset* }
- from is the base path to match for the request to be proxied.
- to is the destination endpoint to proxy to. At least one is required, but multiple may be specified. If a scheme (http/https/quic/srv) is not specified, http is used. Unix sockets may also be used by prefixing “unix:”. QUIC connections are experimental, but to try it, just use “quic://“ for the scheme. Service discovery using SRV lookup is supported. If the endpoint starts with
it will be considered as a service locator and Caddy will attempt to resolve available services via SRV DNS lookup. - policy is the load balancing policy to use; applies only with multiple backends. May be one of random, least_conn, round_robin, first, ip_hash, uri_hash, or header. If header is chosen, the header name must also be provided. Default is random. This setting is not applicable if destination is a service locator.
- fail_timeout specifies how long to remember a failed request to a backend. A timeout > 0 enables request failure counting and is required for load balancing between backends in case of failures. If the number of failed requests accumulates to the max_fails value, the host will be considered down and no requests will be routed to it until failed requests begin to be forgotten. By default, this is disabled (0s), meaning that failed requests will not be remembered and the backend will always be considered available. Must be a duration value (like “10s” or “1m”).
- max_fails is the number of failed requests within fail_timeout that are needed before considering a backend to be down. Not used if fail_timeout is 0. Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
- max_conns is the maximum number of concurrent requests to each backend. 0 means no limit. When the limit is reached, additional requests will fail with Bad Gateway (502). Default is 0.
- try_interval is how long to wait between selecting another upstream host to handle a request. Default is 250ms. Only relevant when a request to an upstream host fails. Be aware that setting this to 0 with a non-zero try_duration can result in very tight looping and spin the CPU if all hosts stay down.
- health_check will use path to check the health of each backend. If a backend returns a status code of 200-399, then that backend is considered healthy. If it doesn’t, the backend is marked as unhealthy for at least health_check_interval and no requests are routed to it. If this option is not provided then health checks are disabled.
- health_check_port will use port to perform the health check instead of the port provided for the upstream. This is useful if you use an internal port for debug purposes where your health check endpoint is hidden from public view. This setting is not supported when destination is a service locator.
- health_check_interval specifies the time between each health check on unhealthy backends. The default interval is 30 seconds (“30s”).
- health_check_timeout sets a deadline for health check requests. If a health check does not respond within health_check_timeout, the health check is considered failed. The default is 60 seconds (“60s”).
- health_check_contains requires that the response of the health check contains the given substring to be considered healthy.
- fallback_delay sets the duration between dual stack fallback attempts. Default 300ms.
- header_upstream sets headers to be passed to the backend. The field name is name and the value is value. This option can be specified multiple times for multiple headers, and dynamic values can also be inserted using . By default, existing header fields will be replaced, but you can add/merge field values by prefixing the field name with a plus sign (+). You can remove fields by prefixing the header name with a minus sign (-) and leaving the value blank.
- header_downstream modifies response headers coming back from the backend. It works the same way header_upstream does.
- keepalive is the maximum number of idle connections to keep open to the backend. Enabled by default; set to 0 to disable keepalives. Set to a higher value on busy servers that are properly tuned.
- timeout is the duration before timing out the connection to upstream; default is 30s.
- without is a URL prefix to trim before proxying the request upstream. A request to /api/foo without /api, for example, will result in a proxy request to /foo.
- upstream specifies another backend. It may use a port range like “:8080-8085” if desired. It is often used multiple times when there are many backends to route to. This subdirective is not supported if backend target specified by
is a service locator. - ca_certificates is a list of CA certificates to allow when connecting to a backend using TLS. This allows you to trust certificates signed by the CAs for whom certificates are listed here, rather than disabling TLS certificate verification entirely or modifying the system root store.
- insecure_skip_verify overrides verification of the backend TLS certificate, essentially disabling security features over HTTPS.
- preset is an optional shorthand way of configuring the proxy to meet certain conditions. See presets below.
Note that in order to do proper, redundant load balancing in the event of failures, you must set fail_timeout and try_duration to values > 0.
Everything after the first to is optional, including the block of properties enclosed by curly braces.
The following presets are available:
Indicates this proxy is forwarding WebSocket connections. It is shorthand for: HTTP/2 does not support protocol upgrade.
There are several load balancing policies available:
- random (default) - Randomly select a backend
- least_conn - Select backend with the fewest active connections
- round_robin - Select backend in round-robin fashion
- first - Select the first available backend in the order they are defined in the Caddyfile
- ip_hash - Select backend by hashing the request IP, distributing evenly over the hash space based on the total number of backends
- uri_hash - Select backend by hashing the request URI, distributing evenly over the hash space based on the total number of backends
Proxy all requests within /api to a backend system:
proxy /api localhost:9005
Load-balance all requests between three backends (using random policy):
proxy / web1.local:80 web2.local:90 web3.local:100
Same as above, with header affinity:
proxy / web1.local:80 web2.local:90 web3.local:100 { policy header X-My-Header }
Round-robin style:
proxy / web1.local:80 web2.local:90 web3.local:100 { policy round_robin health_check /health transparent }
Proxy WebSocket connections:
proxy /stream localhost:8080 { websocket }
Proxy everything except requests to /static or /robots.txt:
proxy / backend:1234 { except /static /robots.txt }
Proxy to a backend with HTTPS on the standard HTTPS port:
proxy / https://backend
To have Caddy retry when an upstream connection fails once in a while (EOF errors, for instance):