
    The gist of Stage 1 is:

    Stage 1: proposal

    What’s required? A so-called champion must be identified who is responsible for the proposal. Either the champion or a co-champion must be a member of TC39 (source). The problem solved by the proposal must be described in prose. The solution must be described via examples, an API and a discussion of semantics and algorithms. Lastly, potential obstacles for the proposal must be identified, such as interactions with other features and implementation challenges. Implementation-wise, polyfills and demos are needed.

    What’s next? By accepting a proposal for stage 1, TC39 declares its willingness to examine, discuss and contribute to the proposal. Going forward, major changes to the proposal are expected


    Via CLI


    Enable "loose" transformations for any plugins in this preset that allow them.

    , defaults to false.

    Will use the native built-in instead of trying to polyfill behavior for any plugins that require one.


    Use the legacy (stage 1) decorators syntax and behavior.

    • Chapter "" in "Exploring ES2016 and ES2017" by Axel Rauschmayer