Pulsar Manager
If you are monitoring your current stats with Pulsar dashboard, we recommend you use Pulsar Manager instead. Pulsar dashboard is deprecated.
The easiest way to use the Pulsar Manager is to run it inside a container.
- Pulsar Manager is divided into front-end and back-end, the front-end service port is and the back-end service port is
: Default configuration file for spring.- By default, Pulsar Manager uses the
database. HerdDB is a SQL distributed database implemented in Java and can be found at herddb.org for more information.
Configure Database or JWT authentication
Configure Database (optional)
If you have a large amount of data, you can use a custom database, otherwise, some display errors may occur, such as the topic information cannot be displayed when the topic exceeds 10000. The following is an example of PostgreSQL.
- Initialize database and table structures using the .
- Download and modify the configuration file, then add the PostgreSQL configuration.
- Add a configuration mount and start with a docker image.
docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.2.0
-p 9527:9527 -p 7750:7750 \
-v /your-path/application.properties:/pulsar-manager/pulsar-
-e SPRING_CONFIGURATION_FILE=/pulsar-manager/pulsar-manager/application.properties \
Enable JWT authentication (optional)
If you want to turn on JWT authentication, configure the application.properties
• backend.jwt.token
: token for the superuser. You need to configure this parameter during cluster initialization.
• jwt.broker.token.mode
: multiple modes of generating token, including PUBLIC, PRIVATE, and SECRET.
• jwt.broker.public.key
: configure this option if you use the PUBLIC mode.
• jwt.broker.private.key
: configure this option if you use the PRIVATE mode.
• jwt.broker.secret.key
: configure this option if you use the SECRET mode.
For more information, see Token Authentication Admin of Pulsar.
docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.2.0
-p 9527:9527 -p 7750:7750 \
-v /your-path/application.properties:/pulsar-manager/pulsar-
-v /your-path/private.key:/pulsar-manager/private.key
-e SPRING_CONFIGURATION_FILE=/pulsar-manager/pulsar-manager/application.properties \
CSRF_TOKEN=$(curl http://localhost:7750/pulsar-manager/csrf-token)
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT http://localhost:7750/pulsar-manager/users/superuser \
-d '{"name": "admin", "password": "apachepulsar", "description": "test", "email": "username@test.org"}'
The request parameter in curl command:
is the Pulsar Manager login username, currentlyadmin
is the password of the current user of Pulsar Manager, currentlyapachepulsar
. The password should be more than or equal to 6 digits.
Configure the environment
Login to the system, Visit http://localhost:9527 to login. The current default account is
Input the “Environment Name”. The environment name is used for identifying an environment.
Input the “Service URL”. The Service URL is the admin service url of your Pulsar cluster.
Download and unzip the binary package, which is available on the page.
wget https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/pulsar/pulsar-manager/pulsar-manager-0.2.0/apache-pulsar-manager-0.2.0-bin.tar.gz
tar -zxvf apache-pulsar-manager-0.2.0-bin.tar.gz
Extract the back-end service binary package and place the front-end resources in the back-end service directory.
cd pulsar-manager
cd pulsar-manager
cp -r ../dist ui
configuration on demand.Start Pulsar Manager
Custom docker image installation
git clone https://github.com/apache/pulsar-manager
cd pulsar-manager/front-end
npm install --save
npm run build:prod
cd ..
./gradlew build -x test
cd ..
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` --build-arg VCS_REF=`latest` --build-arg VERSION=`latest` -t apachepulsar/pulsar-manager .
- For more information about backend configurations, see .
- For more information about frontend configurations, see here.