Hive Example

    Prepare to modify configuration file

    • conf/SortClusterConfig.conf, sink configuration of all sort tasks.
    • conf/sid_hive_inlong6th_v3.conf, data source configuration example of a sort task, the file name is same with sort task name in SortClusterConfig.conf.

    Example: conf/SortClusterConfig.conf

    Example: conf/sid_hive_inlong6th_v3.conf

    Modify configuration file: SortClusterConfig.conf

    • Get cluster configuration data from the file:SortClusterConfig.conf in classpath, it can not support online updating.
    • Get cluster configuration data from InlongManager URL, it can support online updating.
    clusterNameYStringNAinlong-sort-standalone cluster id
    sortTasksYJsonArray<SortTaskConfig>NASort task list

    Modify configuration: idParams of Hive sort task

    separatorYNAseparator of Inlong datastream in data source
    partitionIntervalMsN3600000partition interval(millisecond)
    idRootPathYNAHDFS root path of Inlong DataStream
    partitionSubPathYNApartition sub path of Inlong DataStream
    hiveTableNameYNAHive table name of Inlong DataStream
    partitionFieldNameNdtpartition field name of Inlong DataStream
    partitionFieldPatternYNADate format of partition field value, the type have {yyyyMMdd},{yyyyMMddHH},{yyyyMMddHHmm}
    msgTimeFieldPatternYNADate format of message generation time, it support Java date format
    maxPartitionOpenDelayHourN8Max delay hour of partition(hour)

    Modify configuration: sinkParams of Hive sort task

    • The file name include sort task name plus the postfix “.conf”.
    • Get the configuration data from the file in classpath, it can not support online updating.
    • Get the configuration data from InlongManager URL, it can support online updating.
    sortClusterNameYStringNAinlong-sort-standalone cluster id
    sortTaskIdYStringNASort task name
    cacheZonesYJsonObject<String, JsonObject>NACache cluster list, Map<cacheClusterName, CacheCluster>

    Modify configuration: CacheCluster

    Modify configuration: Topic

    topicYStringNAcache topic name
    partitionCntYIntegerNAcache topic partition count
    topicPropertiesNMap<String,String>NACache topic configuration

    Start inlong-sort-standalone application