This guide describes the instructions to configure WEB as Alluxio’s under storage system.

    The Alluxio binaries must be on your machine. You can either compile Alluxio, or .

    Alluxio unifies access to different storage systems through the unified namespace feature. An WEB location can be either mounted at the root of the Alluxio namespace or at a nested directory.

    the following environment variable assignment needs to be added to conf/alluxio-site.properties, and we actually support both http:// and https:// protocols.

    1. # alluxio.master.mount.table.root.ufs=[https|http]://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/DIRECTORY/
    2. # A sample for this article

    Specify the settings for parsing a WEB page(Optional):

    Here, alluxio.underfs.web.connnection.timeout is the timeout setting for a http connection(unit: second, default: 60s). alluxio.underfs.web.header.last.modified represents the format to parse the last modified field for a directory or a file from a http response header (default: “EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz”). alluxio.underfs.web.parent.names indicates the start row index of the files list, which can be set as multiple flags seperated by a comma (default: “Parent Directory,..,../”). alluxio.underfs.web.titles means the “web page title” flags to check it is a directory or not which can be also set with multiple values seperated by a comma (default: “Index of ,Directory listing for “).


    1. $ ./bin/alluxio fs mount \
    2. --option alluxio.underfs.web.connnection.timeout=<WEB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT> \
    3. --option alluxio.underfs.web.titles=<WEB_TITLES> \
    4. /web [https|http]://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/DIRECTORY/

    Run the following command to start Alluxio filesystem.

    To verify that Alluxio is running, you can visit http://localhost:19999, or see the log in the logs folder.

    Visit your WEB volume by running the following command:

    1. $ ./bin/alluxio fs ls /

    Stop Alluxio by running: