An action that displays a search text field with dynamic proposals when selected. Add a listener on select to implement the action. On input, you may set a list of proposals.
Import this type with “”
Invokes the search action, i.e. displays the UI to perform a search.
Type: string
A hint text that is displayed when the search input is empty.
Type: string[], default: []
The list of proposals to display.
Type: string
Fired when a text input has been submitted by pressing the keyboard’s search key.
Event Parameters
text: string The current value of text.
Fired when the user inputs text.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.
Fired when the property has changed.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.
Fired when the proposals property has changed.
Event Parameters
value: string[] The new value of proposals.
Fired when the text property has changed.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.