Step 15: Securing the Admin Backend

Securing the Admin Backend

Like for Twig, the security component is already installed via transitive dependencies. Let’s add it explicitly to the project’s file:

  1. $ symfony composer req security

Even if attendees won’t be able to create their own accounts on the website, we are going to create a fully functional authentication system for the admin. We will therefore only have one user, the website admin.

The first step is to define a User entity. To avoid any confusions, let’s name it Admin instead.

To integrate the Admin entity with the Symfony Security authentication system, it needs to follow some specific requirements. For instance, it needs a password property.

Use the dedicated make:user command to create the Admin entity instead of the traditional make:entity one:

  1. $ symfony console make:user Admin

Answer the interactive questions: we want to use Doctrine to store the admins (yes), use username for the unique display name of admins, and each user will have a password (yes).

The generated class contains methods like getRoles(), eraseCredentials(), and a few others that are needed by the Symfony authentication system.

If you want to add more properties to the Admin user, use make:entity.

Let’s add a __toString() method as EasyAdmin likes those:

  1. --- a/src/Entity/Admin.php
  2. +++ b/src/Entity/Admin.php
  3. @@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ class Admin implements UserInterface
  4. return $this;
  5. }
  6. + public function __toString(): string
  7. + {
  8. + return $this->username;
  9. + }
  10. /**
  11. * @see UserInterface
  12. */

In addition to generating the entity, the command also updated the security configuration to wire the entity with the authentication system:

We let Symfony select the best possible algorithm for encoding passwords (which will evolve over time).

Time to generate a migration and migrate the database:

  1. $ symfony console make:migration
  2. $ symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n

Generating a Password for the Admin User

Choose whatever you like as a password and run the following command to generate the encoded password:

  1. $ symfony console security:encode-password

  1. Symfony Password Encoder Utility

Type in your password to be encoded: >

Key Value

Encoder used Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\MigratingPasswordEncoder Encoded password $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$BQG+jovPcunctc30xG5PxQ$TiGbx451NKdo+g9vLtfkMy4KjASKSOcnNxjij4gTX1s

! [NOTE] Self-salting encoder used: the encoder generated its own built-in salt.

[OK] Password encoding succeeded

Insert the admin user via an SQL statement:

Note the escaping of the $ sign in the password column value; escape them all!

Configuring the Security Authentication

Now that we have an admin user, we can secure the admin backend. Symfony supports several authentication strategies. Let’s use a classic and popular form authentication system.

Run the make:auth command to update the security configuration, generate a login template, and create an authenticator:

  1. $ symfony console make:auth

Select 1 to generate a login form authenticator, name the authenticator class AppAuthenticator, the controller SecurityController, and generate a /logout URL (yes).

The command updated the security configuration to wire the generated classes:

  1. --- a/config/packages/security.yaml
  2. +++ b/config/packages/security.yaml
  3. @@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ security:
  4. security: false
  5. main:
  6. anonymous: lazy
  7. + guard:
  8. + authenticators:
  9. + - App\Security\AppAuthenticator
  10. + logout:
  11. + path: app_logout
  12. + # where to redirect after logout
  13. + # target: app_any_route
  14. # activate different ways to authenticate
  1. --- a/src/Security/AppAuthenticator.php
  2. +++ b/src/Security/AppAuthenticator.php
  3. @@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ class AppAuthenticator extends AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator implements Passwor
  4. return new RedirectResponse($targetPath);
  5. }
  6. - // For example : return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('some_route'));
  7. - throw new \Exception('TODO: provide a valid redirect inside '.__FILE__);
  8. + return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('admin'));
  9. }
  10. protected function getLoginUrl()


How do I remember that the EasyAdmin route is admin (as configured in App\Controller\Admin\DashboardController)? I don’t. You can have a look at the file, but you can also ran the following command that shows the association between route names and paths:

A security system is made of two parts: authentication and authorization. When creating the admin user, we gave them the ROLE_ADMIN role. Let’s restrict the /admin section to users having this role by adding a rule to access_control:

  1. --- a/config/packages/security.yaml
  2. +++ b/config/packages/security.yaml
  3. @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ security:
  4. # Easy way to control access for large sections of your site
  5. # Note: Only the *first* access control that matches will be used
  6. access_control:
  7. - # - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
  8. + - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
  9. # - { path: ^/profile, roles: ROLE_USER }

The access_control rules restrict access by regular expressions. When trying to access a URL that starts with /admin, the security system will check for the ROLE_ADMIN role on the logged-in user.

Authenticating via the Login Form

If you try to access the admin backend, you should now be redirected to the login page and prompted to enter a login and a password:

Log in using admin and whatever plain-text password you encoded earlier. If you copied my SQL command exactly, the password is .

Note that EasyAdmin automatically recognizes the Symfony authentication system:

Step 15: Securing the Admin Backend - 图2

Try to click on the “Sign out” link. You have it! A fully-secured backend admin.


If you want to create a fully-featured form authentication system, have a look at the make:registration-form command.

This work, including the code samples, is licensed under a license.