As this code stands right now, there’s no observable closure going on. We simply have some private data variables and another
, and a couple of inner functions doSomething()
and doAnother()
, which both have lexical scope (and thus closure!) over the inner scope of foo()
But now consider:
function CoolModule() {
var something = "cool";
var another = [1, 2, 3];
function doSomething() {
console.log( something );
function doAnother() {
console.log( another.join( " ! " ) );
return {
doSomething: doSomething,
doAnother: doAnother
var foo = CoolModule();
foo.doSomething(); // cool
foo.doAnother(); // 1 ! 2 ! 3
This is the pattern in JavaScript we call module. The most common way of implementing the module pattern is often called “Revealing Module”, and it’s the variation we present here.
Let’s examine some things about this code.
Firstly, CoolModule()
is just a function, but it has to be invoked for there to be a module instance created. Without the execution of the outer function, the creation of the inner scope and the closures would not occur.
Secondly, the CoolModule()
function returns an object, denoted by the object-literal syntax { key: value, ... }
. The object we return has references on it to our inner functions, but not to our inner data variables. We keep those hidden and private. It’s appropriate to think of this object return value as essentially a public API for our module.
This object return value is ultimately assigned to the outer variable foo
, and then we can access those property methods on the API, like foo.doSomething()
Note: It is not required that we return an actual object (literal) from our module. We could just return back an inner function directly. jQuery is actually a good example of this. The jQuery
and $
identifiers are the public API for the jQuery “module”, but they are, themselves, just a function (which can itself have properties, since all functions are objects).
The doSomething()
and doAnother()
functions have closure over the inner scope of the module “instance” (arrived at by actually invoking CoolModule()
). When we transport those functions outside of the lexical scope, by way of property references on the object we return, we have now set up a condition by which closure can be observed and exercised.
To state it more simply, there are two “requirements” for the module pattern to be exercised:
The enclosing function must return back at least one inner function, so that this inner function has closure over the private scope, and can access and/or modify that private state.
An object with a function property on it alone is not really a module. An object which is returned from a function invocation which only has data properties on it and no closured functions is not really a module, in the observable sense.
The code snippet above shows a standalone module creator called CoolModule()
which can be invoked any number of times, each time creating a new module instance. A slight variation on this pattern is when you only care to have one instance, a “singleton” of sorts:
var foo = (function CoolModule() {
var something = "cool";
var another = [1, 2, 3];
console.log( something );
function doAnother() {
return {
doSomething: doSomething,
doAnother: doAnother
foo.doSomething(); // cool
foo.doAnother(); // 1 ! 2 ! 3
Here, we turned our module function into an IIFE (see Chapter 3), and we immediately invoked it and assigned its return value directly to our single module instance identifier foo
Modules are just functions, so they can receive parameters:
Another slight but powerful variation on the module pattern is to name the object you are returning as your public API:
var foo = (function CoolModule(id) {
function change() {
// modifying the public API
publicAPI.identify = identify2;
function identify1() {
console.log( id );
function identify2() {
console.log( id.toUpperCase() );
var publicAPI = {
change: change,
identify: identify1
return publicAPI;
})( "foo module" );
foo.identify(); // foo module
foo.identify(); // FOO MODULE
By retaining an inner reference to the public API object inside your module instance, you can modify that module instance from the inside, including adding and removing methods, properties, and changing their values.
Various module dependency loaders/managers essentially wrap up this pattern of module definition into a friendly API. Rather than examine any one particular library, let me present a very simple proof of concept for illustration purposes (only):
var modules = {};
function define(name, deps, impl) {
for (var i=0; i<deps.length; i++) {
deps[i] = modules[deps[i]];
modules[name] = impl.apply( impl, deps );
function get(name) {
return modules[name];
return {
define: define,
get: get
The key part of this code is modules[name] = impl.apply(impl, deps)
. This is invoking the definition wrapper function for a module (passing in any dependencies), and storing the return value, the module’s API, into an internal list of modules tracked by name.
And here’s how I might use it to define some modules:
Spend some time examining these code snippets to fully understand the power of closures put to use for our own good purposes. The key take-away is that there’s not really any particular “magic” to module managers. They fulfill both characteristics of the module pattern I listed above: invoking a function definition wrapper, and keeping its return value as the API for that module.
In other words, modules are just modules, even if you put a friendly wrapper tool on top of them.
Future Modules
ES6 adds first-class syntax support for the concept of modules. When loaded via the module system, ES6 treats a file as a separate module. Each module can both import other modules or specific API members, as well export their own public API members.
Note: Function-based modules aren’t a statically recognized pattern (something the compiler knows about), so their API semantics aren’t considered until run-time. That is, you can actually modify a module’s API during the run-time (see earlier publicAPI
By contrast, ES6 Module APIs are static (the APIs don’t change at run-time). Since the compiler knows that, it can (and does!) check during (file loading and) compilation that a reference to a member of an imported module’s API actually exists. If the API reference doesn’t exist, the compiler throws an “early” error at compile-time, rather than waiting for traditional dynamic run-time resolution (and errors, if any).
ES6 modules do not have an “inline” format, they must be defined in separate files (one per module). The browsers/engines have a default “module loader” (which is overridable, but that’s well-beyond our discussion here) which synchronously loads a module file when it’s imported.
function hello(who) {
return "Let me introduce: " + who;
export hello;
// import only `hello()` from the "bar" module
import hello from "bar";
var hungry = "hippo";
function awesome() {
hello( hungry ).toUpperCase()
export awesome;
Note: Separate files “foo.js” and “bar.js” would need to be created, with the contents as shown in the first two snippets, respectively. Then, your program would load/import those modules to use them, as shown in the third snippet.
The contents inside the module file are treated as if enclosed in a scope closure, just like with the function-closure modules seen earlier.