Geocomputation with R



This is the online home of Geocomputation with R, a book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling.

Note: This book has now been published by CRC Press in the R Series.You can buy the book from , Wordery, or .

The online version of the book is hosted at and kept up-to-date by Travis, which provides information on its ‘build status’ as follows:

The version of the book you are reading now was built on 2019-03-10 and was built on Travis.

bookdown makes editing a book as easy as editing a wiki, provided you have a GitHub account ().Once logged-in to GitHub, click on the ‘edit me’ icon highlighted with a red ellipse in the image below.This will take you to an editable version of the the source R Markdown file that generated the page you’re on:

To raise an issue about the book’s content (e.g. code not running) or make a feature request, check-out the .

To reproduce the code in the book, you need a recent version of R and up-to-date packages.These can be installed with the following command (which requires ):

To build the book locally, clone or download the , load R in root directory (e.g. by opening geocompr.Rproj in RStudio) and run the following lines:

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