
    A inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config, lazy loading etc.

    A plugin for escaping Vim insert mode without lagging.

    Fuzzy finding select menu with text.

    Top bar bufferline for neovim (can be used for managing buffers and tabs, including close them. It also creates custom clickable buttons on the bufferline.


    Separator styles: slant, , default, , arrow:

    statusline modes

    • NOTE : (statusline looks different based on the themes, the above screenshot is from the onedark theme)

    A file explorer tree for NeoVim written in lua.

    Indentline plugin.

    blankline screenshot

    Manages syntax colorscheme in NvChad.

    Fastest NeoVim colorizer, colors hex colors, hsl codes and much more!

    Lua fork of vim devicons which lets you change colors and edit icons of filetypes.

    NeoVim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer. We mostly use this for syntax highlighting. The pretty syntax highlighting you see in all of our screenshots has gotten possible due to treesitter

    Various LSP plugins

    • - Used for configuring lsp servers etc
    • nvim-cmp - completion menu
    • - lsp signature hint when you type
    • lspkind.nvim - Adds pictograms to neovim built-in lsp completion items:
