
    Building instructions are somewhat limited at the moment. All the libraries Neovide uses are cross platform and should have support for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The rendering is based on OpenGL, so a good GPU driver will be necessary, the default drivers provided by virtual machines might not be enough. On Windows this should be enabled by default if you have a relatively recent system.

    Installing should be as simple as downloading the binary, making sure the nvim executable with version 0.6 or greater is on your PATH environment variable, and running it. Everything should be self contained.

    The binaries are to be found on .

    Scoop has Neovide in the extras bucket. Ensure you have the extras bucket, and install:

    Windows Source

    1. Install the latest version of Rust. I recommend

    2. Install CMake. I use chocolatey: choco install cmake --installargs '"ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System"' -y

    3. Ensure graphics libraries are up to date.

    4. Build and install Neovide:

      1. cargo install --git

    Neovide is available as Cask in . It can be installed from the command line:

    1. brew install --cask neovide

    Mac Source

    1. Install the latest version of Rust. Using homebrew:

    2. Configure rust by running rustup-init

    3. Install CMake. Using homebrew: brew install cmake

    4. git clone

    5. cd neovide

    6. cargo install --path .

      The resulting binary is to be found under ~/.cargo/bin. In case you want a nice application bundle:

    7. cargo install cargo-bundle

    8. Copy ./target/release/bundle/osx/ to ~/Applications and enjoy.

    Stable releases are .

    To run a development version you can build from the VCS package in the AUR. This can be built and installed using an AUR helper or . To build from a non-default branch you can edit the PKGBUILD and add to the end of the source URL.


    Neovide is also available in the Snap Store. You can install it using the command below.

      1. Install necessary dependencies (adjust for your preferred package manager, probably most of this stuff is already installed, just try building and see)

        • Ubuntu/Debian

          1. sudo apt install -y curl \
          2. gnupg ca-certificates git \
          3. gcc-multilib g++-multilib cmake libssl-dev pkg-config \
          4. libfreetype6-dev libasound2-dev libexpat1-dev libxcb-composite0-dev \
          5. libbz2-dev libsndio-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libfontconfig1-dev \
          6. libxcursor-dev
        • Fedora

      2. Install Rust

        1. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf "" | sh
        1. cargo install --git

        The resulting binary can be found inside of ~/.cargo/bin afterwards, you might want to add this to your environment variable.