Checkmatrix for ‘eStep friendly’ projects.
Item / Phase | Done |
tagged releases (github releases) | | () | |
one command install (pip, etc) | |
package in package manager (pypi, etc) | |
discuss release cycle with coordinator | |
release quick-scan by other engineer (is documentation understandable, can it be installed, etc) | |
notify Lode for dissemination (news item on site / annual report, etc) |
Item / Phase | Done |
home page with all the necessary introduction information, links to documenation, source code (github) and latest release download (eg. ) | |
project discussion list (github issues, mailing list, not private email) for all project related discussions from the beginning of the project | |
for services: a demo docker image in dockerhub (with Dockerfile) | |
for websites: an online demo | |
Pitch presentation (1 to 3 slides) | |
Few sentences about the project for the technology pages on our website |
Item / Phase | Done |
---|---| - clear explanation of the goal of the project with pointers to other documentation resources. Use GitHub flavored markdown for, e.g., . |
well defined functionality | |
source code documentation | |
usage documentation | |
documented development setup (good example is Getting started with khmer development) | |
contribution guidelines | |
code of conduct (contributor covenant) | |
documented code style | |
meaning of issue labels used | |
DOI or PID () |
Use standards
Item / Phase | Done |
exchange format (Unicode, W3C, OGN, NetCDF, etc) | |
protocols (HTTP, TCP, TLS, etc) |