Communication Service protocol
IoTDB server and client use thrift for communication. In actual use, it is recommended to use the native client package provided by IoTDB: Session or Session Pool. If you have special needs, you can also program directly against the RPC interface
to change the default thrift port
TSOpenSessionResp openSession(1:TSOpenSessionReq req);
// close a session
TSStatus closeSession(1:TSCloseSessionReq req);
// run an SQL statement in batch
TSExecuteStatementResp executeStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// execute SQL statement in batch
TSStatus executeBatchStatement(1:TSExecuteBatchStatementReq req);
// execute query SQL statement
TSExecuteStatementResp executeQueryStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// execute insert, delete and update SQL statement
TSExecuteStatementResp executeUpdateStatement(1:TSExecuteStatementReq req);
// fetch next query result
TSFetchResultsResp fetchResults(1:TSFetchResultsReq req)
// fetch meta data
TSFetchMetadataResp fetchMetadata(1:TSFetchMetadataReq req)
// cancel a query
TSStatus cancelOperation(1:TSCancelOperationReq req);
// close a query dataset
TSStatus closeOperation(1:TSCloseOperationReq req);
TSGetTimeZoneResp getTimeZone(1:i64 sessionId);
// set time zone
// get server's properties
ServerProperties getProperties();
// set storage group
TSStatus setStorageGroup(1:i64 sessionId, 2:string storageGroup);
// create timeseries
TSStatus createTimeseries(1:TSCreateTimeseriesReq req);
// create multi timeseries
TSStatus createMultiTimeseries(1:TSCreateMultiTimeseriesReq req);
// delete timeseries
TSStatus deleteTimeseries(1:i64 sessionId, 2:list<string> path)
// delete sttorage groups
TSStatus deleteStorageGroups(1:i64 sessionId, 2:list<string> storageGroup);
// insert record
TSStatus insertRecord(1:TSInsertRecordReq req);
// insert record in string format
TSStatus insertStringRecord(1:TSInsertStringRecordReq req);
// insert tablet
TSStatus insertTablet(1:TSInsertTabletReq req);
// insert tablets in batch
TSStatus insertTablets(1:TSInsertTabletsReq req);
TSStatus insertRecords(1:TSInsertRecordsReq req);
// insert records of one device
TSStatus insertRecordsOfOneDevice(1:TSInsertRecordsOfOneDeviceReq req);
// insert records in batch as string format
TSStatus insertStringRecords(1:TSInsertStringRecordsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert tablet,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertTablet(1:TSInsertTabletReq req);
// test the latency of innsert tablets,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertTablets(1:TSInsertTabletsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert record,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecord(1:TSInsertRecordReq req);
// test the latency of innsert record in string format,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertStringRecord(1:TSInsertStringRecordReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecords(1:TSInsertRecordsReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records of one device,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertRecordsOfOneDevice(1:TSInsertRecordsOfOneDeviceReq req);
// test the latency of innsert records in string formate,caution:no data will be inserted, only for test latency
TSStatus testInsertStringRecords(1:TSInsertStringRecordsReq req);
// delete data
TSStatus deleteData(1:TSDeleteDataReq req);
// execute raw data query
TSExecuteStatementResp executeRawDataQuery(1:TSRawDataQueryReq req);
i64 requestStatementId(1:i64 sessionId);
We will use thrift compile IDL file in mvn Compilation, in which generate target .class file target file path is “thrift/target/classes/org/apache/iotdb/service/rpc/thrift”