5.1.1 列出数据库中全部的图

Method & Url
Response Status
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "graphs": [
  3. "hugegraph",
  4. "hugegraph1"
  5. ]
  6. }

5.1.2 查看某个图的信息

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "name": "hugegraph",
  3. "backend": "cassandra"
  4. }

5.1.3 清空某个图的全部数据,包括schema、vertex、edge和index等,该操作需要管理员权限

  • confirm_message: 默认为I'm sure to delete all data
Method & Url
Response Status
  1. 204

5.2.1 查看某个图的配置,该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. # gremlin entrence to create graph
  2. gremlin.graph=com.baidu.hugegraph.HugeFactory
  3. #schema.cache_capacity=1048576
  4. #graph.cache_capacity=10485760
  5. #graph.cache_expire=600
  6. # schema illegal name template
  7. #schema.illegal_name_regex=\s+|~.*
  8. #vertex.default_label=vertex
  9. serializer=cassandra
  10. store=hugegraph
  11. ...

5.3.1 查看某个图的模式. 该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
  1. GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/mode
Response Status
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "mode": "NONE"
  3. }

5.3.2 设置某个图的模式. 该操作需要管理员权限

Method & Url
  1. PUT http://localhost:8080/graphs/hugegraph/mode
Request Body
Response Status
  1. 200
Response Body
  1. {
  2. "mode": "RESTORING"