After an initial install via , hanami offers two commands:
Generates a Hanami application with the given APP name, in a new directory from the current location.
$ hanami new bookshelf # generates a new Bookshelf application in ./bookshelf
$ hanami new my_app # generates a new MyApp application in ./my_app
hanami version
Displays the Hanami version of the currently installed gem.
$ hanami version
Project commands
When executed from within a hanami project, hanami offers a different set of commands.
These commands can be listed using the --help
$ bundle exec hanami --help
hanami console # Start app console (REPL)
hanami generate [SUBCOMMAND]
hanami middleware # Print app Rack middleware stack
hanami routes # Print app routes
hanami server # Start Hanami app server
hanami version # Print Hanami app version
This command accepts an engine
argument that can start the console using IRB or Pry.
hanami generate
Hanami 2.0 provides two generators, one for actions and one for slices.
$ bundle exec hanami generate --help
hanami generate action NAME
hanami generate slice NAME
These can be invoked as follows:
$ hanami generate action
$ hanami generate slice api
See the actions and guides for example usage.
Displays the Rack middleware stack as currently configured.
$ bundle exec hanami middleware
/ Dry::Monitor::Rack::Middleware (instance)
/ Rack::Session::Cookie
/ Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser
$ bundle exec hanami middleware --with-arguments
/ Dry::Monitor::Rack::Middleware (instance) args: []
/ Rack::Session::Cookie args: [{:key=>"my_app.session", :secret=>"secret", :expire_after=>31536000}]
/ Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser args: [:json]
hanami routes
Displays your application’s routes.
By default, routes are displayed in “human friendly” format. Routes can be inspected in csv format via the format option:
$ bundle exec hanami routes --format=csv
Launches hanami’s development server for developing against your application locally.
$ bundle exec hanami server
14:33:28 - INFO - Using Guardfile at bookshelf/Guardfile.
14:33:28 - INFO - Puma starting on port 2300 in development environment.
14:33:28 - INFO - Guard is now watching at 'bookshelf'
[43884] Puma starting in cluster mode...
[43884] * Puma version: 6.0.0 (ruby 3.1.0-p0) ("Sunflower")
[43884] * Min threads: 5
[43884] * Max threads: 5
[43884] * Environment: development
[43884] * Master PID: 43884
[43884] * Workers: 2
[43884] * Restarts: (✔) hot (✖) phased
[43884] * Preloading application
[43884] * Listening on
[43884] Use Ctrl-C to stop
This server is for local development only. In production, use the following to start your application serving web requests with Puma:
bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
hanami version
Prints the version of the installed hanami gem.
$ bundle exec hanami version