API description

    Read blob data

    Through the API of KVDB and TSDB, the blob object can be returned, and the storage address of the blob data is stored in the returned blob object. This API can read the blob data stored in the database and store it in blob->buf.

    size_t fdb_blob_read(fdb_db_t db, fdb_blob_t blob)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    blob blob object
    Return Length of blob data actually read

    Initialize KVDB

    fdb_err_t fdb_kvdb_init(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *name, const char *path, struct fdb_default_kv *default_kv, void *user_data)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    name Database name
    path FAL mode: the partition name in the partition table, file mode: the path where the database is saved
    default_kv The default KV collection, when the first initialization, the default KV will be written to the database
    user_data User-defined data, NULL if not available
    Back Error Code

    Control KVDB

    Through the command control word, the user can perform some control operations on the database

    void fdb_kvdb_control(fdb_kvdb_t db, int cmd, void *arg)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    cmd Command control word
    arg Controlled parameters
    Back Error Code

    The supported command control words are as follows:

    Sector size and block size

    The internal storage structure of FlashDB is composed of N sectors, and each formatting takes sector as the smallest unit. A sector is usually N times the size of the Flash block. For example, the block size of Nor Flash is generally 4096.

    By default, KVDB will use 1 times the block size as the sector size, that is, 4096. At this time, the KVDB cannot store a KV longer than 4096. If you want to save, for example, a KV with a length of 10K, you can use the control function to set the sector size to 12K or larger.

    Deinitialize KVDB

    fdb_err_t fdb_kvdb_deinit(fdb_kvdb_t db)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects

    Set KV

    This method can be used to increase and modify KV.

    • Add: When there is no KV with this name in KVDB, the new operation will be performed;

    • Modify: The KV name in the input parameter exists in the current KVDB, then the KV value is modified to the value in the input parameter;

    Get the corresponding value by KV’s name. Support two interfaces

    Set blob type KV

    fdb_err_t fdb_kv_set_blob(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *key, fdb_blob_t blob)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    key KV name
    blob blob object, as the value of KV
    Back Error Code

    Set string type KV

    fdb_err_t fdb_kv_set(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *key, const char *value)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    key KV name
    value KV value
    Back Error Code

    Get KV

    Get blob type KV

    size_t fdb_kv_get_blob(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *key, fdb_blob_t blob)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    key KV name
    blob Return the blob value of KV through the blob object
    Back Error Code


    Get KV object

    Unlike the fdb_kv_get_blob API, this API does not execute the reading of value data during the get process. The returned KV object stores the read KV attributes. This API is suitable for scenarios where the length of the value is uncertain, or the length of the value is too long, and it needs to be read in segments.

    Get string type KV


    • This function is not allowed to be used continuously, and strdup should be used when using it to ensure that the memory space of the string returned each time is independent;

    char *fdb_kv_get(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *key)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    key KV name
    Return !=NULL: KV value; NULL: Get failed

    fdb_err_t fdb_kv_del(fdb_kvdb_t db, const char *key)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    key KV name
    Back Error Code

    Reset KVDB

    Reset the KV in KVDB to the first initial default value

    fdb_err_t fdb_kv_set_default(fdb_kvdb_t db)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    Back Error Code

    Print KV information in KVDB

    void fdb_kv_print(fdb_kvdb_t db)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    Back Error Code

    Convert KV objects to blob objects

    fdb_blob_t fdb_kv_to_blob(fdb_kv_t kv, fdb_blob_t blob)

    Parameters Description
    kv KV object to be converted
    blob blob object before conversion
    Return Converted blob object

    Initialize KV iterator

    fdb_kv_iterator_t fdb_kv_iterator_init(fdb_kv_iterator_t itr)

    Parameters Description
    itr Iterator object to be initialized
    Return Iterator object after initialization

    Iteration KV

    Using this iterator API, all KVs in the entire KVDB can be traversed.

    Initialize TSDB

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    name Database name
    path FAL mode: the partition name in the partition table, file mode: the path where the database is saved
    get_time Function to get the current timestamp
    max_len Maximum length of each TSL
    user_data User-defined data, NULL if not available
    Back Error Code

    Through the command control word, the user can perform some control operations on the database

    void fdb_tsdb_control(fdb_tsdb_t db, int cmd, void *arg)

    The supported command control words are as follows:

    Deinitialize TSDB

    fdb_err_t fdb_tsdb_deinit(fdb_tsdb_t db)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects

    Append TSL

    For TSDB, the process of adding TSL is the process of appending a new TSL to the end of TSDB

    fdb_err_t fdb_tsl_append(fdb_tsdb_t db, fdb_blob_t blob)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    blob blob object, as TSL data
    Back Error Code

    Iterative TSL

    Traverse the entire TSDB and execute iterative callbacks

    void fdb_tsl_iter(fdb_tsdb_t db, fdb_tsl_cb cb, void *cb_arg)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    cb Callback function, which will be executed every time the TSL is traversed
    cb_arg Parameters of the callback function
    Back Error Code

    Iterate TSL by time period

    According to the time range, traverse the entire TSDB and execute iterative callbacks

    void fdb_tsl_iter_by_time(fdb_tsdb_t db, fdb_time_t from, fdb_time_t to, fdb_tsl_cb cb, void *cb_arg)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    from Start timestamp
    to End timestamp
    cb Callback function, which will be executed every time the TSL is traversed
    cb_arg Parameters of the callback function
    Back Error Code

    Query the number of TSL

    According to the incoming time period, query the number of TSLs that meet the state size_t fdb_tsl_query_count(fdb_tsdb_t db, fdb_time_t from, fdb_time_t to, fdb_tsl_status_t status)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    from Start timestamp
    to End timestamp
    status TSL status conditions
    Back Quantity

    Set TSL status

    For TSL status, please refer to enum fdb_tsl_status. TSL status MUST be set in order.

    fdb_err_t fdb_tsl_set_status(fdb_tsdb_t db, fdb_tsl_t tsl, fdb_tsl_status_t status)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    tsl TSL Object
    status TSL’s new status
    Back Error Code

    void fdb_tsl_clean(fdb_tsdb_t db)

    Parameters Description
    db Database Objects
    Back Error Code

    Convert TSL objects to blob objects