
    There is no additional cost for transactions. You only pay for the read and write IOs that you consume as part of the transactions.

    To use the transactions feature, you need to meet the following requirements:

    • You must be using the Amazon DocumentDB 4.0 engine.

    • You must use a driver compatible with MongoDB 4.0 or greater.

    Best Practices

    Here are some best practices so that you can get the most using transactions with Amazon DocumentDB.

    • Always commit or abort the transaction after it is complete. Leaving a transaction in an incomplete state ties up database resources and can cause write conflicts.

    • It is recommended to keep transactions to the smallest number of commands needed. If you have transactions with multiple statements that can be divided up into multiple smaller transactions, it is advisable to do so to reduce the likelihood of a timeout. Always aim to create short transactions, not long-running reads.


    • Amazon DocumentDB does not support cursors within a transaction.

    • Amazon DocumentDB cannot create new collections in a transaction and cannot query/update against non-existing collections.

    • Document-level write locks are subject to a 1 minute timeout, which is not configurable by the user.

    • No support for retryable writes, retryable commit and retryable abort.

    • Each Amazon DocumentDB instance has an upper bound limit on the number of concurrent transaction open on the instance at one time. For the limits, please see Instance Limits.

    • For a given transaction, the transaction log size must be less than 32MB.

    • Amazon DocumentDB does support within a transactions, but not all drivers support this capability. An alternative is to use the countDocuments() API, which translates the count query into an aggregation query on the client side.

    • Transactions have a one minute execution limit and sessions have a 30-minute timeout. If a transaction times out, it will be aborted, and any subsequent commands issued within the session for the existing transaction will yield the following error:

    With the support for transactions in Amazon DocumentDB 4.0, additional CloudWatch metrics were added to help you monitor your transactions.

    New CloudWatch Metrics

    • DatabaseTransactions: The number of open transactions taken at a one-minute period.

    • DatabaseTransactionsAborted: The number of aborted transactions taken at a one-minute period.

    • DatabaseTransactionsMax: The maximum number of open transactions in a one-minute period.

    • TransactionsAborted: The number of transactions aborted on an instance in a one-minute period.

    • TransactionsCommitted: The number of transactions committed on an instance in a one-minute period.

    • TransactionsOpen: The number of transactions open on an instance taken at a one-minute period.

    • TransactionsOpenMax: The maximum number of transactions open on an instance in a one-minute period.

    • TransactionsStarted: The number of transactions started on an instance in a one-minute period.


    For more CloudWatch metrics for Amazon DocumentDB, go to .

    Additionally, new fields were added to both currentOp lsid, transactionThreadId, and a new state for “idle transaction” and serverStatus transactions: currentActive, currentInactive, currentOpen, totalAborted, totalCommitted, and totalStarted.

    Transaction Isolation Level

    When starting a transaction, you have the ability to specify the both the readConcern and writeConcern as shown in the example below:

    mySession.startTransaction({readConcern: {level: 'snapshot'}, writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}});

    For readConcern, Amazon DocumentDB supports snapshot isolation by default. If a readConcern of local, available, or majority are specified, Amazon DocumentDB will upgrade the readConcern level to snapshot. Amazon DocumentDB does not support the linearizable readConcern and specifying such a read concern will result in an error.

    For writeConcern, Amazon DocumentDB supports majority by default and a write quorum is achieved when four copies of the data are persisted across three AZs. If a lower writeConcern is specified, Amazon DocumentDB will upgrade the writeConcern to majority. Further, all Amazon DocumentDB writes are journaled and journaling cannot be disabled.

    Use Cases

    In this section, we will walk through two use cases for transactions: multi-statement and multi-collection.

    Amazon DocumentDB transactions are multi-statement, which means you can write a transaction that spans multiple statements with an explicit commit or rollback. You can group insert, update, update, and findAndModify actions as a single atomic operation.

    1. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Success Scenario***
    2. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    3. var databaseName = "bank";
    4. var collectionName = "account";
    5. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    6. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    7. var bankDB = session.getDatabase(databaseName);
    8. var accountColl = bankDB[collectionName];
    9. accountColl.drop();
    10. accountColl.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    11. accountColl.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    12. session.startTransaction();
    13. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. var aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    15. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    16. accountColl.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    17. var findAliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    18. // add $500 to Bob's account
    19. var bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    20. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer;
    21. accountColl.update({"name": "Bob"},{"$set": {"balance": newBobBalance}});
    22. var findBobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    23. session.commitTransaction();
    24. accountColl.find();
    25. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Failure Scenario***
    26. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    27. var databaseName = "bank";
    28. var collectionName = "account";
    29. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    30. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    31. var bankDB = session.getDatabase(databaseName);
    32. var accountColl = bankDB[collectionName];
    33. accountColl.drop();
    34. accountColl.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    35. accountColl.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    36. session.startTransaction();
    37. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    38. var aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    39. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    40. accountColl.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    41. var findAliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    42. session.abortTransaction();

    Multi-Collection Transactions

    Our transactions are also multi-collection, which means they can be used to perform multiple operations within a single transaction and across multiple collections. This provides a consistent view of data and maintains your data’s integrity. When you commit the commands as a single <>, the transactions are all-or-nothing executions—in that, they will either all succeed or all fail.

    Here is an example of multi-collection transactions, using the same scenario and data from the example for multi-statement transactions.

    1. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Success Scenario***
    2. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    3. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    4. var collectionName = "account";
    5. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    6. var accountCollInBankA = session.getDatabase("bankA")[collectionName];
    7. var accountCollInBankB = session.getDatabase("bankB")[collectionName];
    8. accountCollInBankA.drop();
    9. accountCollInBankB.drop();
    10. accountCollInBankA.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    11. accountCollInBankB.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    12. session.startTransaction();
    13. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. var aliceBalance = accountCollInBankA.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    15. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    16. accountCollInBankA.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    17. var findAliceBalance = accountCollInBankA.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    18. // add $500 to Bob's account
    19. var bobBalance = accountCollInBankB.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    20. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer;
    21. accountCollInBankB.update({"name": "Bob"},{"$set": {"balance": newBobBalance}});
    22. var findBobBalance = accountCollInBankB.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    23. session.commitTransaction();
    24. accountCollInBankA.find(); // Alice holds $500 in bankA
    25. accountCollInBankB.find(); // Bob holds $1500 in bankB
    26. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Failure Scenario***
    27. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    28. var collectionName = "account";
    29. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    30. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    31. var accountCollInBankA = session.getDatabase("bankA")[collectionName];
    32. var accountCollInBankB = session.getDatabase("bankB")[collectionName];
    33. accountCollInBankA.drop();
    34. accountCollInBankB.drop();
    35. accountCollInBankA.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    36. accountCollInBankB.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    37. session.startTransaction();
    38. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    39. var aliceBalance = accountCollInBankA.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    40. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    41. accountCollInBankA.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    42. var findAliceBalance = accountCollInBankA.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    43. // add $500 to Bob's account
    44. var bobBalance = accountCollInBankB.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    45. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer;
    46. accountCollInBankB.update({"name": "Bob"},{"$set": {"balance": newBobBalance}});
    47. var findBobBalance = accountCollInBankB.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    48. session.abortTransaction();
    49. accountCollInBankA.find(); // Alice holds $1000 in bankA
    50. accountCollInBankB.find(); // Bob holds $1000 in bankB

    The callback API is only available for 4.2+ drivers.


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Javascript.

    1. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Success ***
    2. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    3. var databaseName = "bank";
    4. var collectionName = "account";
    5. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    6. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    7. var bankDB = session.getDatabase(databaseName);
    8. var accountColl = bankDB[collectionName];
    9. accountColl.drop();
    10. accountColl.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    11. accountColl.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    12. session.startTransaction();
    13. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. var aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    15. assert(aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer);
    16. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    17. accountColl.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    18. var findAliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    19. assert.eq(newAliceBalance, findAliceBalance);
    20. // add $500 to Bob's account
    21. var bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    22. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer;
    23. accountColl.update({"name": "Bob"},{"$set": {"balance": newBobBalance}});
    24. var findBobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    25. assert.eq(newBobBalance, findBobBalance);
    26. session.commitTransaction();
    27. accountColl.find();


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Node.js.

    1. // Node.js callback API:
    2. const bankDB = await mongoclient.db("bank");
    3. var accountColl = await bankDB.createCollection("account");
    4. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    5. const session = mongoclient.startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    6. await accountColl.drop();
    7. await accountColl.insertOne({name: "Alice", balance: 1000}, { session });
    8. await accountColl.insertOne({name: "Bob", balance: 1000}, { session });
    9. const transactionOptions = {
    10. readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' },
    11. writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }
    12. };
    13. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. var aliceBalance = await accountColl.findOne({name: "Alice"}, {session});
    15. assert(aliceBalance.balance >= amountToTransfer);
    16. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    17. session.startTransaction(transactionOptions);
    18. await accountColl.updateOne({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {balance: newAliceBalance}}, {session });
    19. await session.commitTransaction();
    20. aliceBalance = await accountColl.findOne({name: "Alice"}, {session});
    21. assert(newAliceBalance == aliceBalance.balance);
    22. // add $500 to Bob's account
    23. var bobBalance = await accountColl.findOne({name: "Bob"}, {session});
    24. var newBobBalance = bobBalance.balance + amountToTransfer;
    25. session.startTransaction(transactionOptions);
    26. await accountColl.updateOne({name: "Bob"}, {$set: {balance: newBobBalance}}, {session });
    27. await session.commitTransaction();
    28. bobBalance = await accountColl.findOne({name: "Bob"}, {session});
    29. assert(newBobBalance == bobBalance.balance);


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with C#.

    1. // C# Callback API
    2. var dbName = "bank";
    3. var collName = "account";
    4. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    5. using (var session = client.StartSession(new ClientSessionOptions{CausalConsistency = false}))
    6. {
    7. var bankDB = client.GetDatabase(dbName);
    8. var accountColl = bankDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collName);
    9. bankDB.DropCollection(collName);
    10. accountColl.InsertOne(session, new BsonDocument { {"name", "Alice"}, {"balance", 1000 } });
    11. accountColl.InsertOne(session, new BsonDocument { {"name", "Bob"}, {"balance", 1000 } });
    12. // start transaction
    13. var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions(
    14. readConcern: ReadConcern.Snapshot,
    15. writeConcern: WriteConcern.WMajority);
    16. var result = session.WithTransaction(
    17. (sess, cancellationtoken) =>
    18. {
    19. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    20. var aliceBalance = accountColl.Find(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    21. Debug.Assert(aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer);
    22. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance.AsInt32 - amountToTransfer;
    23. accountColl.UpdateOne(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice"),
    24. Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("balance", newAliceBalance));
    25. aliceBalance = accountColl.Find(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    26. Debug.Assert(aliceBalance == newAliceBalance);
    27. // add $500 from Bob's account
    28. var bobBalance = accountColl.Find(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    29. var newBobBalance = bobBalance.AsInt32 + amountToTransfer;
    30. accountColl.UpdateOne(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob"),
    31. Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("balance", newBobBalance));
    32. bobBalance = accountColl.Find(sess, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    33. Debug.Assert(bobBalance == newBobBalance);
    34. return "Transaction committed";
    35. }, transactionOptions);
    36. // check values outside of transaction
    37. var aliceNewBalance = accountColl.Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    38. var bobNewBalance = accountColl.Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    39. Debug.Assert(aliceNewBalance == 500);
    40. Debug.Assert(bobNewBalance == 1500);
    41. }


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Ruby.

    1. // Ruby Callback API
    2. dbName = "bank"
    3. collName = "account"
    4. amountToTransfer = 500
    5. session = client.start_session(:causal_consistency=> false)
    6. bankDB =, dbName)
    7. accountColl = bankDB[collName]
    8. accountColl.drop()
    9. accountColl.insert_one({"name"=>"Alice", "balance"=>1000})
    10. accountColl.insert_one({"name"=>"Bob", "balance"=>1000})
    11. # start transaction
    12. session.with_transaction(read_concern: {level: :snapshot}, write_concern: {w: :majority}) do
    13. # deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Alice"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    15. assert aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer
    16. newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer
    17. accountColl.update_one({"name"=>"Alice"}, { "$set" => {"balance"=>newAliceBalance} }, :session=> session)
    18. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>>"Alice"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    19. assert_equal(newAliceBalance, aliceBalance)
    20. # add $500 from Bob's account
    21. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    22. newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer
    23. accountColl.update_one({"name"=>"Bob"}, { "$set" => {"balance"=>newBobBalance} }, :session=> session)
    24. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    25. assert_equal(newBobBalance, bobBalance)
    26. end
    27. # check results outside of transaction
    28. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Alice"}).first['balance']
    29. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}).first['balance']
    30. assert_equal(aliceBalance, 500)
    31. assert_equal(bobBalance, 1500)
    32. session.end_session


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Go.


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Java.

    1. // Java (sync) - Callback API
    2. MongoDatabase bankDB = mongoClient.getDatabase("bank");
    3. MongoCollection accountColl = bankDB.getCollection("account");
    4. accountColl.drop();
    5. int amountToTransfer = 500;
    6. // add sample data
    7. accountColl.insertOne(new Document("name", "Alice").append("balance", 1000));
    8. accountColl.insertOne(new Document("name", "Bob").append("balance", 1000));
    9. TransactionOptions txnOptions = TransactionOptions.builder()
    10. .readConcern(ReadConcern.SNAPSHOT)
    11. .writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY)
    12. .build();
    13. ClientSessionOptions sessionOptions = ClientSessionOptions.builder().causallyConsistent(false).build();
    14. try ( ClientSession clientSession = mongoClient.startSession(sessionOptions) ) {
    15. clientSession.withTransaction(new TransactionBody<Void>() {
    16. @Override
    17. public Void execute() {
    18. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    19. List<Document> documentList = new ArrayList<>();
    20. accountColl.find(clientSession, new Document("name", "Alice")).into(documentList);
    21. int aliceBalance = (int) documentList.get(0).get("balance");
    22. int newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    23. accountColl.updateOne(clientSession, new Document("name", "Alice"), new Document("$set", new Document("balance", newAliceBalance)));
    24. // check Alice's new balance
    25. accountColl.find(clientSession, new Document("name", "Alice")).into(documentList);
    26. int updatedBalance = (int) documentList.get(0).get("balance");
    27. Assert.assertEquals(updatedBalance, newAliceBalance);
    28. // add $500 to Bob's account
    29. documentList = new ArrayList<>();
    30. accountColl.find(clientSession, new Document("name", "Bob")).into(documentList);
    31. int bobBalance = (int) documentList.get(0).get("balance");
    32. accountColl.updateOne(clientSession, new Document("name", "Bob"), new Document("$set", new Document("balance", newBobBalance)));
    33. // check Bob's new balance
    34. documentList = new ArrayList<>();
    35. accountColl.find(clientSession, new Document("name", "Bob")).into(documentList);
    36. updatedBalance = (int) documentList.get(0).get("balance");
    37. Assert.assertEquals(updatedBalance, newBobBalance);
    38. return null;
    39. }
    40. }, txnOptions);
    41. }


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with C.

    1. // Sample Code for C with Callback
    2. #include <bson.h>
    3. #include <mongoc.h>
    4. #include <stdio.h>
    5. #include <string.h>
    6. #include <assert.h>
    7. typedef struct {
    8. int64_t balance;
    9. bson_t *account;
    10. bson_t *opts;
    11. mongoc_collection_t *collection;
    12. } ctx_t;
    13. bool callback_session (mongoc_client_session_t *session, void *ctx, bson_t **reply, bson_error_t *error)
    14. {
    15. bool r = true;
    16. ctx_t *data = (ctx_t *) ctx;
    17. bson_t local_reply;
    18. bson_t *selector = data->account;
    19. bson_t *update = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{", "balance", BCON_INT64 (data->balance), "}");
    20. mongoc_collection_update_one (data->collection, selector, update, data->opts, &local_reply, error);
    21. *reply = bson_copy (&local_reply);
    22. bson_destroy (&local_reply);
    23. bson_destroy (update);
    24. return r;
    25. }
    26. void test_callback_money_transfer(mongoc_client_t* client, mongoc_collection_t* collection, int amount_to_transfer){
    27. bson_t reply;
    28. bool r = true;
    29. const bson_t *doc;
    30. bson_iter_t iter;
    31. ctx_t alice_ctx;
    32. ctx_t bob_ctx;
    33. bson_error_t error;
    34. // find query
    35. bson_t *alice_query = bson_new ();
    36. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(alice_query, "name", "Alice");
    37. bson_t *bob_query = bson_new ();
    38. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(bob_query, "name", "Bob");
    39. // create session
    40. // set causal consistency to false
    41. mongoc_session_opt_t *session_opts = mongoc_session_opts_new ();
    42. mongoc_session_opts_set_causal_consistency (session_opts, false);
    43. // start the session
    44. mongoc_client_session_t *client_session = mongoc_client_start_session (client, session_opts, &error);
    45. // add session to options
    46. bson_t *opts = bson_new();
    47. mongoc_client_session_append (client_session, opts, &error);
    48. // deduct 500 from Alice
    49. // find account balance of Alice
    50. mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, alice_query, NULL, NULL);
    51. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    52. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    53. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    54. int64_t alice_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    55. assert(alice_balance >= amount_to_transfer);
    56. int64_t new_alice_balance = alice_balance - amount_to_transfer;
    57. // set variables which will be used by callback function
    58. alice_ctx.collection = collection;
    59. alice_ctx.opts = opts;
    60. alice_ctx.balance = new_alice_balance;
    61. alice_ctx.account = alice_query;
    62. // callback
    63. r = mongoc_client_session_with_transaction (client_session, &callback_session, NULL, &alice_ctx, &reply, &error);
    64. assert(r);
    65. // find account balance of Alice after transaction
    66. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, alice_query, NULL, NULL);
    67. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    68. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    69. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    70. alice_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    71. assert(alice_balance == new_alice_balance);
    72. assert(alice_balance == 500);
    73. // add 500 to bob's balance
    74. // find account balance of Bob
    75. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, bob_query, NULL, NULL);
    76. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    77. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    78. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    79. int64_t bob_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    80. int64_t new_bob_balance = bob_balance + amount_to_transfer;
    81. bob_ctx.collection = collection;
    82. bob_ctx.opts = opts;
    83. bob_ctx.balance = new_bob_balance;
    84. bob_ctx.account = bob_query;
    85. // set read & write concern
    86. mongoc_read_concern_t *read_concern = mongoc_read_concern_new ();
    87. mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
    88. mongoc_transaction_opt_t *txn_opts = mongoc_transaction_opts_new ();
    89. mongoc_write_concern_set_w(write_concern, MONGOC_WRITE_CONCERN_W_MAJORITY);
    90. mongoc_read_concern_set_level(read_concern, MONGOC_READ_CONCERN_LEVEL_SNAPSHOT);
    91. mongoc_transaction_opts_set_write_concern (txn_opts, write_concern);
    92. mongoc_transaction_opts_set_read_concern (txn_opts, read_concern);
    93. // callback
    94. r = mongoc_client_session_with_transaction (client_session, &callback_session, txn_opts, &bob_ctx, &reply, &error);
    95. assert(r);
    96. // find account balance of Bob after transaction
    97. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, bob_query, NULL, NULL);
    98. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    99. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    100. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    101. bob_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    102. assert(bob_balance == new_bob_balance);
    103. assert(bob_balance == 1500);
    104. // cleanup
    105. bson_destroy(alice_query);
    106. bson_destroy(bob_query);
    107. mongoc_client_session_destroy(client_session);
    108. bson_destroy(opts);
    109. mongoc_transaction_opts_destroy(txn_opts);
    110. mongoc_read_concern_destroy(read_concern);
    111. mongoc_write_concern_destroy(write_concern);
    112. mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor);
    113. bson_destroy(doc);
    114. }
    115. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    116. mongoc_init ();
    117. mongoc_client_t* client = mongoc_client_new (<connection uri>);
    118. bson_error_t error;
    119. // connect to bank db
    120. mongoc_database_t *database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "bank");
    121. // access account collection
    122. mongoc_collection_t* collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "bank", "account");
    123. // set amount to transfer
    124. int64_t amount_to_transfer = 500;
    125. // delete the collection if already existing
    126. mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error);
    127. // open Alice account
    128. bson_t *alice_account = bson_new ();
    129. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(alice_account, "name", "Alice");
    130. BSON_APPEND_INT64(alice_account, "balance", 1000);
    131. // open Bob account
    132. bson_t *bob_account = bson_new ();
    133. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(bob_account, "name", "Bob");
    134. BSON_APPEND_INT64(bob_account, "balance", 1000);
    135. bool r = true;
    136. r = mongoc_collection_insert_one(collection, alice_account, NULL, NULL, &error);
    137. if (!r) {printf("Error encountered:%s", error.message);}
    138. r = mongoc_collection_insert_one(collection, bob_account, NULL, NULL, &error);
    139. if (!r) {printf("Error encountered:%s", error.message);}
    140. test_callback_money_transfer(client, collection, amount_to_transfer);
    141. }


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Python.

    1. // Sample Python code with callback api
    2. import pymongo
    3. def callback(session, balance, query):
    4. collection.update_one(query, {'$set': {"balance": balance}}, session=session)
    5. client = pymongo.MongoClient(<connection uri>)
    6. rc_snapshot = pymongo.read_concern.ReadConcern('snapshot')
    7. wc_majority = pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern('majority')
    8. # To start, drop and create an account collection and insert balances for both Alice and Bob
    9. collection = client.get_database("bank").get_collection("account")
    10. collection.drop()
    11. collection.insert_one({"_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "balance": 1000})
    12. collection.insert_one({"_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "balance": 1000})
    13. amount_to_transfer = 500
    14. # deduct 500 from Alice's account
    15. alice_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Alice"}).get("balance")
    16. assert alice_balance >= amount_to_transfer
    17. new_alice_balance = alice_balance - amount_to_transfer
    18. with client.start_session({'causalConsistency':False}) as session:
    19. session.with_transaction(lambda s: callback(s, new_alice_balance, {"name": "Alice"}), read_concern=rc_snapshot, write_concern=wc_majority)
    20. updated_alice_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Alice"}).get("balance")
    21. assert updated_alice_balance == new_alice_balance
    22. # add 500 to Bob's account
    23. bob_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Bob"}).get("balance")
    24. assert bob_balance >= amount_to_transfer
    25. new_bob_balance = bob_balance + amount_to_transfer
    26. with client.start_session({'causalConsistency':False}) as session:
    27. session.with_transaction(lambda s: callback(s, new_bob_balance, {"name": "Bob"}), read_concern=rc_snapshot, write_concern=wc_majority)
    28. updated_bob_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Bob"}).get("balance")
    29. assert updated_bob_balance == new_bob_balance
    30. Sample Python code with Core api
    31. import pymongo
    32. client = pymongo.MongoClient(<connection_string>)
    33. rc_snapshot = pymongo.read_concern.ReadConcern('snapshot')
    34. wc_majority = pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern('majority')
    35. # To start, drop and create an account collection and insert balances for both Alice and Bob
    36. collection = client.get_database("bank").get_collection("account")
    37. collection.drop()
    38. collection.insert_one({"_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "balance": 1000})
    39. collection.insert_one({"_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "balance": 1000})
    40. amount_to_transfer = 500
    41. # deduct 500 from Alice's account
    42. alice_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Alice"}).get("balance")
    43. assert alice_balance >= amount_to_transfer
    44. new_alice_balance = alice_balance - amount_to_transfer
    45. with client.start_session({'causalConsistency':False}) as session:
    46. session.start_transaction(read_concern=rc_snapshot, write_concern=wc_majority)
    47. collection.update_one({"name": "Alice"}, {'$set': {"balance": new_alice_balance}}, session=session)
    48. session.commit_transaction()
    49. updated_alice_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Alice"}).get("balance")
    50. assert updated_alice_balance == new_alice_balance
    51. # add 500 to Bob's account
    52. bob_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Bob"}).get("balance")
    53. assert bob_balance >= amount_to_transfer
    54. new_bob_balance = bob_balance + amount_to_transfer
    55. with client.start_session({'causalConsistency':False}) as session:
    56. session.start_transaction(read_concern=rc_snapshot, write_concern=wc_majority)
    57. collection.update_one({"name": "Bob"}, {'$set': {"balance": new_bob_balance}}, session=session)
    58. session.commit_transaction()
    59. updated_bob_balance = collection.find_one({"name": "Bob"}).get("balance")
    60. assert updated_bob_balance == new_bob_balance

    Transaction API Examples for Core API


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Javascript.

    1. // *** Transfer $500 from Alice to Bob inside a transaction: Success ***
    2. // Setup bank account for Alice and Bob. Each have $1000 in their account
    3. var databaseName = "bank";
    4. var collectionName = "account";
    5. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    6. var session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    7. var bankDB = session.getDatabase(databaseName);
    8. var accountColl = bankDB[collectionName];
    9. accountColl.drop();
    10. accountColl.insert({name: "Alice", balance: 1000});
    11. accountColl.insert({name: "Bob", balance: 1000});
    12. session.startTransaction();
    13. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    14. var aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    15. assert(aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer);
    16. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer;
    17. accountColl.update({"name": "Alice"},{"$set": {"balance": newAliceBalance}});
    18. var findAliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Alice"}).next().balance;
    19. assert.eq(newAliceBalance, findAliceBalance);
    20. // add $500 to Bob's account
    21. var bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    22. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer;
    23. accountColl.update({"name": "Bob"},{"$set": {"balance": newBobBalance}});
    24. var findBobBalance = accountColl.find({"name": "Bob"}).next().balance;
    25. assert.eq(newBobBalance, findBobBalance);
    26. session.commitTransaction();
    27. accountColl.find();


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with C#.

    1. // C# Core API
    2. public void TransferMoneyWithRetry(IMongoCollection<bSondocument> accountColl, IClientSessionHandle session)
    3. {
    4. var amountToTransfer = 500;
    5. // start transaction
    6. var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions(
    7. readConcern: ReadConcern.Snapshot,
    8. writeConcern: WriteConcern.WMajority);
    9. session.StartTransaction(transactionOptions);
    10. try
    11. {
    12. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    13. var aliceBalance = accountColl.Find(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    14. Debug.Assert(aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer);
    15. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance.AsInt32 - amountToTransfer;
    16. accountColl.UpdateOne(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice"),
    17. Builders<bSondocument>.Update.Set("balance", newAliceBalance));
    18. aliceBalance = accountColl.Find(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    19. Debug.Assert(aliceBalance == newAliceBalance);
    20. // add $500 from Bob's account
    21. var bobBalance = accountColl.Find(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    22. var newBobBalance = bobBalance.AsInt32 + amountToTransfer;
    23. accountColl.UpdateOne(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob"),
    24. Builders<bSondocument>.Update.Set("balance", newBobBalance));
    25. bobBalance = accountColl.Find(session, Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    26. Debug.Assert(bobBalance == newBobBalance);
    27. }
    28. catch (Exception e)
    29. {
    30. session.AbortTransaction();
    31. throw;
    32. }
    33. session.CommitTransaction();
    34. }
    35. public void DoTransactionWithRetry(MongoClient client)
    36. {
    37. var dbName = "bank";
    38. var collName = "account";
    39. using (var session = client.StartSession(new ClientSessionOptions{CausalConsistency = false}))
    40. {
    41. try
    42. {
    43. var bankDB = client.GetDatabase(dbName);
    44. var accountColl = bankDB.GetCollection<bSondocument>(collName);
    45. bankDB.DropCollection(collName);
    46. accountColl.InsertOne(session, new BsonDocument { {"name", "Alice"}, {"balance", 1000 } });
    47. accountColl.InsertOne(session, new BsonDocument { {"name", "Bob"}, {"balance", 1000 } });
    48. while(true) {
    49. try
    50. TransferMoneyWithRetry(accountColl, session);
    51. break;
    52. }
    53. catch (MongoException e)
    54. {
    55. if(e.HasErrorLabel("TransientTransactionError"))
    56. {
    57. continue;
    58. }
    59. else
    60. {
    61. throw;
    62. }
    63. }
    64. }
    65. // check values outside of transaction
    66. var aliceNewBalance = accountColl.Find(Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Alice")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    67. var bobNewBalance = accountColl.Find(Builders<bSondocument>.Filter.Eq("name", "Bob")).FirstOrDefault().GetValue("balance");
    68. Debug.Assert(aliceNewBalance == 500);
    69. Debug.Assert(bobNewBalance == 1500);
    70. }
    71. catch (Exception e)
    72. {
    73. Console.WriteLine("Error running transaction: " + e.Message);
    74. }
    75. }
    76. }


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Ruby.

    1. # Ruby Core API
    2. def transfer_money_w_retry(session, accountColl)
    3. amountToTransfer = 500
    4. session.start_transaction(read_concern: {level: :snapshot}, write_concern: {w: :majority})
    5. # deduct $500 from Alice's account
    6. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Alice"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    7. assert aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer
    8. newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer
    9. accountColl.update_one({"name"=>"Alice"}, { "$set" => {"balance"=>newAliceBalance} }, :session=> session)
    10. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Alice"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    11. assert_equal(newAliceBalance, aliceBalance)
    12. # add $500 to Bob's account
    13. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    14. newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer
    15. accountColl.update_one({"name"=>"Bob"}, { "$set" => {"balance"=>newBobBalance} }, :session=> session)
    16. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}, :session=> session).first['balance']
    17. assert_equal(newBobBalance, bobBalance)
    18. session.commit_transaction
    19. end
    20. def do_txn_w_retry(client)
    21. dbName = "bank"
    22. collName = "account"
    23. session = client.start_session(:causal_consistency=> false)
    24. bankDB =, dbName)
    25. accountColl = bankDB[collName]
    26. accountColl.drop()
    27. accountColl.insert_one({"name"=>"Alice", "balance"=>1000})
    28. accountColl.insert_one({"name"=>"Bob", "balance"=>1000})
    29. begin
    30. transferMoneyWithRetry(session, accountColl)
    31. puts "transaction committed"
    32. rescue Mongo::Error => e
    33. if e.label?('TransientTransactionError')
    34. retry
    35. else
    36. puts "transaction failed"
    37. raise
    38. end
    39. end
    40. # check results outside of transaction
    41. aliceBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Alice"}).first['balance']
    42. bobBalance = accountColl.find({"name"=>"Bob"}).first['balance']
    43. assert_equal(aliceBalance, 500)
    44. assert_equal(bobBalance, 1500)
    45. end


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Java.


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with C.

    1. // Sample C code with core session
    2. bool core_session(mongoc_client_session_t *client_session, mongoc_collection_t* collection, bson_t *selector, int64_t balance){
    3. bool r = true;
    4. bson_error_t error;
    5. bson_t *opts = bson_new();
    6. bson_t *update = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{", "balance", BCON_INT64 (balance), "}");
    7. // set read & write concern
    8. mongoc_read_concern_t *read_concern = mongoc_read_concern_new ();
    9. mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
    10. mongoc_transaction_opt_t *txn_opts = mongoc_transaction_opts_new ();
    11. mongoc_write_concern_set_w(write_concern, MONGOC_WRITE_CONCERN_W_MAJORITY);
    12. mongoc_read_concern_set_level(read_concern, MONGOC_READ_CONCERN_LEVEL_SNAPSHOT);
    13. mongoc_transaction_opts_set_write_concern (txn_opts, write_concern);
    14. mongoc_transaction_opts_set_read_concern (txn_opts, read_concern);
    15. mongoc_client_session_start_transaction (client_session, txn_opts, &error);
    16. mongoc_client_session_append (client_session, opts, &error);
    17. r = mongoc_collection_update_one (collection, selector, update, opts, NULL, &error);
    18. mongoc_client_session_commit_transaction (client_session, NULL, &error);
    19. bson_destroy (opts);
    20. mongoc_transaction_opts_destroy(txn_opts);
    21. mongoc_read_concern_destroy(read_concern);
    22. mongoc_write_concern_destroy(write_concern);
    23. bson_destroy (update);
    24. return r;
    25. }
    26. void test_core_money_transfer(mongoc_client_t* client, mongoc_collection_t* collection, int amount_to_transfer){
    27. bson_t reply;
    28. bool r = true;
    29. const bson_t *doc;
    30. bson_iter_t iter;
    31. bson_error_t error;
    32. // find query
    33. bson_t *alice_query = bson_new ();
    34. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(alice_query, "name", "Alice");
    35. bson_t *bob_query = bson_new ();
    36. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(bob_query, "name", "Bob");
    37. // create session
    38. // set causal consistency to false
    39. mongoc_session_opt_t *session_opts = mongoc_session_opts_new ();
    40. mongoc_session_opts_set_causal_consistency (session_opts, false);
    41. // start the session
    42. mongoc_client_session_t *client_session = mongoc_client_start_session (client, session_opts, &error);
    43. // add session to options
    44. bson_t *opts = bson_new();
    45. mongoc_client_session_append (client_session, opts, &error);
    46. // deduct 500 from Alice
    47. // find account balance of Alice
    48. mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, alice_query, NULL, NULL);
    49. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    50. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    51. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    52. int64_t alice_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    53. assert(alice_balance >= amount_to_transfer);
    54. int64_t new_alice_balance = alice_balance - amount_to_transfer;
    55. // core
    56. r = core_session (client_session, collection, alice_query, new_alice_balance);
    57. assert(r);
    58. // find account balance of Alice after transaction
    59. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, alice_query, NULL, NULL);
    60. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    61. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    62. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    63. alice_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    64. assert(alice_balance == new_alice_balance);
    65. assert(alice_balance == 500);
    66. // add 500 to Bob's balance
    67. // find account balance of Bob
    68. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, bob_query, NULL, NULL);
    69. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    70. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    71. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    72. int64_t bob_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    73. int64_t new_bob_balance = bob_balance + amount_to_transfer;
    74. //core
    75. r = core_session (client_session, collection, bob_query, new_bob_balance);
    76. assert(r);
    77. // find account balance of Bob after transaction
    78. cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, bob_query, NULL, NULL);
    79. mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);
    80. bson_iter_init (&iter, doc);
    81. bson_iter_find (&iter, "balance");
    82. bob_balance = (bson_iter_value (&iter))->value.v_int64;
    83. assert(bob_balance == new_bob_balance);
    84. assert(bob_balance == 1500);
    85. // cleanup
    86. bson_destroy(alice_query);
    87. bson_destroy(bob_query);
    88. mongoc_client_session_destroy(client_session);
    89. bson_destroy(opts);
    90. mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor);
    91. bson_destroy(doc);
    92. }
    93. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    94. mongoc_init ();
    95. mongoc_client_t* client = mongoc_client_new (<connection uri>);
    96. bson_error_t error;
    97. // connect to bank db
    98. mongoc_database_t *database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "bank");
    99. // access account collection
    100. mongoc_collection_t* collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(client, "bank", "account");
    101. // set amount to transfer
    102. int64_t amount_to_transfer = 500;
    103. // delete the collection if already existing
    104. mongoc_collection_drop(collection, &error);
    105. // open Alice account
    106. bson_t *alice_account = bson_new ();
    107. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(alice_account, "name", "Alice");
    108. BSON_APPEND_INT64(alice_account, "balance", 1000);
    109. // open Bob account
    110. bson_t *bob_account = bson_new ();
    111. BSON_APPEND_UTF8(bob_account, "name", "Bob");
    112. BSON_APPEND_INT64(bob_account, "balance", 1000);
    113. bool r = true;
    114. r = mongoc_collection_insert_one(collection, alice_account, NULL, NULL, &error);
    115. if (!r) {printf("Error encountered:%s", error.message);}
    116. r = mongoc_collection_insert_one(collection, bob_account, NULL, NULL, &error);
    117. if (!r) {printf("Error encountered:%s", error.message);}
    118. test_core_money_transfer(client, collection, amount_to_transfer);
    119. }


    The following code demonstrates how to utilize the Amazon DocumentDB transaction API with Scala.

    1. // Scala Core API
    2. def transferMoneyWithRetry(sessionObservable: SingleObservable[ClientSession] , database: MongoDatabase ): Unit = {
    3. val accountColl = database.getCollection("account")
    4. var amountToTransfer = 500
    5. var transactionObservable: Observable[ClientSession] = => {
    6. clientSession.startTransaction()
    7. // deduct $500 from Alice's account
    8. var aliceBalance = accountColl.find(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Alice")).await().head.getInteger("balance")
    9. assert(aliceBalance >= amountToTransfer)
    10. var newAliceBalance = aliceBalance - amountToTransfer
    11. accountColl.updateOne(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Alice"), Document("$set" -> Document("balance" -> newAliceBalance))).await()
    12. aliceBalance = accountColl.find(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Alice")).await().head.getInteger("balance")
    13. assert(aliceBalance == newAliceBalance)
    14. // add $500 to Bob's account
    15. var bobBalance = accountColl.find(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Bob")).await().head.getInteger("balance")
    16. var newBobBalance = bobBalance + amountToTransfer
    17. accountColl.updateOne(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Bob"), Document("$set" -> Document("balance" -> newBobBalance))).await()
    18. bobBalance = accountColl.find(clientSession, Document("name" -> "Bob")).await().head.getInteger("balance")
    19. assert(bobBalance == newBobBalance)
    20. clientSession
    21. })
    22. transactionObservable.flatMap(clientSession => clientSession.commitTransaction()).await()
    23. }
    24. def doTransactionWithRetry(): Unit = {
    25. val client: MongoClient = MongoClientWrapper.getMongoClient()
    26. val database: MongoDatabase = client.getDatabase("bank")
    27. val accountColl = database.getCollection("account")
    28. accountColl.drop().await()
    29. val sessionOptions = ClientSessionOptions.builder().causallyConsistent(false).build()
    30. var sessionObservable: SingleObservable[ClientSession] = client.startSession(sessionOptions)
    31. accountColl.insertOne(Document("name" -> "Alice", "balance" -> 1000)).await()
    32. accountColl.insertOne(Document("name" -> "Bob", "balance" -> 1000)).await()
    33. var retry = true
    34. while (retry) {
    35. try {
    36. transferMoneyWithRetry(sessionObservable, database)
    37. println("transaction committed")
    38. retry = false
    39. }
    40. catch {
    41. case e: MongoException if e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL) => {
    42. println("retrying transaction")
    43. }
    44. case other: Throwable => {
    45. println("transaction failed")
    46. retry = false
    47. throw other
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }
    51. // check results outside of transaction
    52. assert(accountColl.find(Document("name" -> "Alice")).results().head.getInteger("balance") == 500)
    53. assert(accountColl.find(Document("name" -> "Bob")).results().head.getInteger("balance") == 1500)
    54. accountColl.drop().await()
    55. }

    Unsupported Capabilities

    MethodsStages or Commands













    insert is not supported if it is not run against an existing collection. This method is supported if it targets a pre-existing collection.


    MongoDB sessions are a framework that is used to support retryable writes, causal consistency, transactions, and manage operations across shards. When a session is created, a logical session identifier (lsid) is generated by the client and is used to tag all operations within that session when sending commands to the server.

    Amazon DocumentDB supports the use of sessions to enable transactions, but does not support causal consistency or retryable writes.

    When utilizing transactions within Amazon DocumentDB, a transaction will be initiated from within a session using the session.startTransaction() API and a session supports a single transaction at a time. Similarly, transactions are completed using either the commit (session.commitTransaction()) or abort (session.abortTransaction()) APIs.

    Causal consistency guarantees that within a single client session the client will observe read-after-write consistency, monatomic reads/writes, and writes will follow reads and these guarantees apply across all instances in a cluster, not just the primary. Amazon DocumentDB does not support causal consistency and the following statement will result in an error.

    1. var mySession = db.getMongo().startSession();
    2. var mySessionObject = mySession.getDatabase('test').getCollection('account');
    3. mySessionObject.updateOne({"_id": 2}, {"$inc": {"balance": 400}});
    4. //Result:{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
    5. mySessionObject.find()
    6. //Error: error: {
    7. // "ok" : 0,
    8. // "code" : 303,
    9. // "errmsg" : "Feature not supported: 'causal consistency'",
    10. // "operationTime" : Timestamp(1603461817, 493214)
    11. //}
    12. mySession.endSession()

    You can disable causal consistency within a session. Please note, doing so will enable you to utilize the session framework, but will not provide causal consistency guarantees for reads. When using Amazon DocumentDB, reads from the primary will be read-after-write consistent and reads from the replica instances will be eventually consistent. Transactions are the primary use case for utilizing sessions.

    1. var mySession = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false});
    2. var mySessionObject = mySession.getDatabase('test').getCollection('account');
    3. mySessionObject.updateOne({"_id": 2}, {"$inc": {"balance": 400}});
    4. //Result:{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
    5. mySessionObject.find()
    6. //{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Bob", "balance" : 100 }
    7. //{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Alice", "balance" : 1700 }

    Retryable writes

    Retryable writes is a capability in which the client will attempt to retry write operations, one time, when network errors occur or if the client is unable to find the primary. In Amazon DocumentDB, retryable writes are not supported and must be disabled. You can disabled it with the command (retryWrites=false) in the connection string. Below is an example:

    1. mongodb://chimera:<insertYourPassword>

    When using transactions, there are scenarios that can yeld an error that states that a transaction number does not match any in progress transaction.

    The error can be generated in at least two different scenarios:

    • After the one-minute transaction timeout.
    • After an instance restart (due to patching, crash recovery, etc.), it is possible to receive this error even in cases where the transaction successfully committed. During an instance restart, the database can’t tell the difference between a transaction that successfully completed versus a transaction that aborted. In other words, the transaction completion state is ambiguous.

    The best way to handle this error is to make transactional updates idempotent — for example, by using the $set mutator instead of an increment/decrement operation. See below:

    1. { "ok" : 0,
    2. "operationTime" : Timestamp(1603938167, 1),
    3. "code" : 251,