Django 1.5.2 版本发行说明

    • Fixed a crash with prefetch_related() (#19607) as well as some pickle regressions with prefetch_related (#20157 and #20257).
    • Fixed a regression in in the Google Map output on Python 3 (#20773).
    • Fixed the django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache backend’s method on Python 3 (#20722).
    • Fixed django.contrib.humanize translation syntax errors. Affected languages: Mexican Spanish, Mongolian, Romanian, Turkish (#20695).
    • Added support for wheel packages (#19252).
    • The CSRF token now rotates when a user logs in.
    • Some Python 3 compatibility fixes including #20212 and #20025.
    • no longer crashes with UnicodeDecodeError (#20354).
    • Fixed geojson detection with SpatiaLite.
    • assertContains() once again works with binary content (#20237).
    • Fixed if it has a Unicode name parameter (#20207).
    • Ensured that the WSGI request’s path is correctly based on the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable or the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting, regardless of whether or not either has a trailing slash (#20169).