2.11. Registry
- Zend Framework 1: holds the application’s loggerobject, front controller etc.
- Yii Framework: holds all the applicationcomponents, such as , , etc.
- <?php
- namespace DesignPatterns\Structural\Registry\Tests;
- use DesignPatterns\Structural\Registry\Registry;
- use stdClass;
- use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
- class RegistryTest extends TestCase
- public function testSetAndGetLogger()
- {
- $key = Registry::LOGGER;
- $logger = new stdClass();
- Registry::set($key, $logger);
- $storedLogger = Registry::get($key);
- $this->assertSame($logger, $storedLogger);
- $this->assertInstanceOf(stdClass::class, $storedLogger);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function testThrowsExceptionWhenTryingToSetInvalidKey()
- Registry::set('foobar', new stdClass());
- }
- /**
- * notice @runInSeparateProcess here: without it, a previous test might have set it already and
- * testing would not be possible. That's why you should implement Dependency Injection where an
- * injected class may easily be replaced by a mockup
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function testThrowsExceptionWhenTryingToGetNotSetKey()
- {
- Registry::get(Registry::LOGGER);
- }
- }