
    Operator expressions are actually parsed as method calls. For example is semantically equivalent to a.+(b), a call to method + on a with argument b.

    There are however some special rules regarding operator syntax:

    • The dot (.) usually put between receiver and method name (i.e. the operator) can be omitted.
    • Chained sequences of operator calls are restructured by the compiler in order to implement operator precedence. Enforcing operator precedence makes sure that an expression such as 1 * 2 + 3 * 4 is parsed as (1 * 2) + (2 * 3) to honour regular math rules.
    • Regular method names must start with a letter or underscore, but operators only consist of special characters. Any method not starting with a letter or underscore is an operator method.
    • Available operators are whitelisted in the compiler (see below) which allows symbol-only method names and treats them as operators, including their precedence rules.

    Operators are implemented like any regular method, and the standard library offers many implementations, for example for math expressions.

    Most operators can be implemented as regular methods.

    One can assign any meaning to the operators, but it is advisable to stay within similar semantics to the generic operator meaning to avoid cryptic code that is confusing and behaves unexpectedly.

    A few operators are defined directly by the compiler and cannot be redefined in user code. Examples for this are the inversion operator !, the assignment operator =, combined assignment operators such as ||= and . Whether a method can be redefined is indicated by the colum Overloadable in the below operator tables.

    Unary operators are written in prefix notation and have only a single operand. Thus, a method implementation receives no arguments and only operates on self.

    The following example demonstrates the Vector2 type as a two-dimensional vector with a unary operator method - for vector inversion.

    The following example demonstrates the Vector2 type as a two-dimensional vector with a binary operator method + for vector addition.

    1. struct Vector2
    2. getter x, y
    3. def initialize(@x : Int32, @y : Int32)
    4. end
    5. # Binary operator. Returns *other* added to `self`.
    6. def +(other : self) : self
    7. Vector2.new(x + other.x, y + other.y)
    8. end
    9. end
    10. v1 = Vector2.new(1, 2)
    11. v2 = Vector2.new(3, 4)
    12. v1 + v2 # => Vector2(@x=4, @y=6)

    Per convention, the return type of a binary operator should be the type of the first operand (the receiver), so that typeof(a <op> b) == typeof(a). Otherwise the assignment operator (a <op>= b) would unintentionally change the type of a. There can be reasonable exceptions though. For example in the standard library the float division operator / on integer types always returns Float64, because the quotient must not be limited to the value range of integers.

    The conditional operator (? :) is the only ternary operator. It not parsed as a method, and its meaning cannot be changed. The compiler transforms it to an if expression.

    This list is sorted by precedence, so upper entries bind stronger than lower ones.

    Arithmetic operators


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    + positive +1 yes right
    &+ wrapping positive &+1 yes right
    - negative -1 yes right
    &- wrapping negative &-1 yes right


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    ** exponentiation 1 ** 2 yes right
    &** wrapping exponentiation 1 &** 2 yes right
    * multiplication 1 * 2 yes left
    &* wrapping multiplication 1 &* 2 yes left
    / division 1 / 2 yes left
    // floor division 1 // 2 yes left
    % modulus 1 % 2 yes left


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    + addition 1 + 2 yes left
    &+ wrapping addition 1 &+ 2 yes left
    - subtraction 1 - 2 yes left
    &- wrapping subtraction 1 &- 2 yes left

    Other unary operators

    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    ! inversion !true no right
    ~ binary complement ~1 yes right


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    & binary AND 1 & 2 yes left
    ` ` binary OR `1 2` yes left
    ^ binary XOR 1 ^ 2 yes left

    Equality and Comparison


    Three base operators test equality:

    • ==: Checks whether the values of the operands are equal
    • =~: Checks whether the value of the first operand matches the value of the second operand with pattern matching.
    • ===: Checks whether the left hand operand matches the right hand operand in . This operator is applied in case ... when conditions.

    The first two operators also have inversion operators (!= and !~) whose semantical intention is just the inverse of the base operator: a != b is supposed to be equivalent to !(a == b) and a !~ b to !(a =~ b). Nevertheless, these inversions can be defined with a custom implementation. This can be useful for example to improve performance (non-equality can often be proven faster than equality).

    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    == equals 1 == 2 yes left
    != not equals 1 != 2 yes left
    =~ pattern match "foo" =~ /fo/ yes left
    !~ no pattern match "foo" !~ /fo/ yes left
    === case equality /foo/ === "foo" yes left


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    < less 1 < 2 yes left
    <= less or equal 1 <= 2 yes left
    > greater 1 > 2 yes left
    >= greater or equal 1 >= 2 yes left
    <=> comparison 1 <=> 2 yes left

    Chaining Equality and Comparison

    Equality and comparison operators ==, !=, ===, , >, <=, and >= can be chained together and are interpreted as a compound expression. For example a <= b <= c is treated as a <= b && b <= c and it is even possible to mix operators of the same like a >= b <= c > d. Operators with different precedences can be chained too, however, it is advised to avoid it, since it is makes the code harder to understand. For instance a == b <= c is interpreted as a == b && b <= c, while a <= b == c is interpreted as a <= (b == c).


    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    && true && false no left
    ` ` logical OR `true false` no left


    The range operators are used in Range literals.

    Operator Description Example Overloadable
    * splat *foo no
    ** double splat **foo no


    The conditional operator (? :) is internally rewritten to an if expression by the compiler.

    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    ? : conditional a == b ? c : d no right


    The assignment operator = assigns the value of the second operand to the first operand. The first operand is either a variable (in this case the operator can’t be redefined) or a call (in this case the operator can be redefined). See assignment for details.

    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    = variable assignment a = 1 no right
    = call assignment a.b = 1 yes right
    []= index assignment a[0] = 1 yes right

    Combined assignments

    The assignment operator = is the basis for all operators that combine an operator with assignment. The general form is a <op>= b and the compiler transform that into a = a <op> b.

    Exceptions to the general expansion formula are the logical operators:

    • a ||= b transforms to a || (a = b)
    • a &&= b transforms to a && (a = b)

    There is another special case when a is an index accessor ([]), it is changed to the nilable variant ([]? on the right hand side:

    • a[i] ||= b transforms to a[i] = (a[i]? || b)
    • a[i] &&= b transforms to a[i] = (a[i]? && b)

    All transformations assume the receiver (a) is a variable. If it is a call, the replacements are semantically equivalent but the implementation is a bit more complex (introducing an anonymous temporary variable) and expects a= to be callable.

    The receiver can’t be anything else than a variable or call.

    Operator Description Example Overloadable Associativity
    += addition and assignment i += 1 no right
    &+= wrapping addition and assignment i &+= 1 no right
    -= subtraction and assignment i -= 1 no right
    &-= wrapping subtraction and assignment i &-= 1 no right
    *= multiplication and assignment i *= 1 no right
    &*= wrapping multiplication and assignment i &*= 1 no right
    /= division and assignment i /= 1 no right
    //= floor division and assignment i //= 1 no right
    %= modulo and assignment i %= 1 yes right
    ` =` binary or and assignment `i = 1` no right
    &= binary and and assignment i &= 1 no right
    ^= binary xor and assignment i ^= 1 no right
    **= exponential and assignment i **= 1 no right
    <<= left shift and assignment i <<= 1 no right
    >>= right shift and assignment i >>= 1 no right
    ` =` logical or and assignment `i = true` no right
    &&= logical and and assignment i &&= true no right

    Index accessors are used to query a value by index or key, for example an array item or map entry. The nilable variant []? is supposed to return nil when the index is not found, while the non-nilable variant raises in that case. Implementations in the standard-library usually raise KeyError or .