1. Introduction 1.1. Technical Overview 1.1.2. ACID Properties1.1.4. Views1.1.6. Distributed Updates and Replication 1.2. Why CouchDB? 1.2.2. A Different Way to Model Your Data1.2.4. Building Blocks for Larger Systems1.2.7. Wrapping Up 1.3.1. Working with the Grain1.3.3. Local Consistency1.3.5. Distributed Consistency1.3.7. Case Study 1.4. cURL: Your Command Line Friend 1.5.2. Authentication Database 1.6. Getting Started 1.6.2. Welcome to Fauxton1.6.4. Running a Mango Query1.6.6. Wrapping Up 1.7.1. Server1.7.3. Documents