
    • Names contain only alphabetic characters.
    • The underscore is allowed only as a leading character for private fields.
    • Numbers are allowed only for local variables in tests and then only as a suffix.
    • Do not use the @-symbol


    • Use US-English (e.g. “color” rather than “colour”).
    • Use English grammar (e.g. use ImportableDatabase instead of DatabaseImportable).
    • Use only standard abbreviations (e.g. “XML” or “SQL”).
    • Use correct capitalization. If a word is not hyphenated, then it does not need a capital letter in the camel- or Pascal-cased form. For example, “metadata” is written as Metadata in Pascal-case, not MetaData.
    • Use number names instead of numbers (e.g. partTwo instead of part2).
    • Do not use Hungarian notation or any other prefixing notation to “group” types or members.
    • Use whole words or stick to accepted short forms (e.g. you may use max for maximum but prefer the suffix Count to the prefix num).


    • A name must be semantically meaningful in its scope.
    • A name should be as short as possible.
    • A name communicates intent; prefer UpdatesAutomatically to AutoUpdate.
    • A name reflects semantics, not storage details; prefer InterestRate to DecimalRate.
    • A name should include explicit units where possible. The following property isn’t clearly defined. This looks like a timeout of either an hour or 3.6 seconds. Timeouts are usually expression in milliseconds. We can fix this with documentation.
      1. /// <summary>
      2. /// The number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the operation.
      3. /// </summary>
      4. public Timeout { get; } = 3600;
      This is a good start. Even better is to include the units in the name of the property.
      1. /// <summary>
      2. /// The number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the operation.
      3. /// </summary>
      4. public TimeoutInMilliseconds { get; } = 3600;
    • Pascal-case capitalizes every word in a name.
    • Camel-case capitalizes all but the first word in a name.
    • Acronyms longer than two letters are in Pascal-case (e.g. Xml or Sql). Acronyms at the beginning of a camel-case name are always all lowercase (e.g. html).
    • An element may not have the same name as its containing element (e.g. class Expressions in namespace Expressions or property Company on class Company).
    • The most appropriate name for a property is often the same as its type (e.g. for enum properties).
    • Names differing only by case may be defined within the same scope only for different language elements (e.g. a local variable and a property or a method parameter and a local parameter).
      1. public void UpdateLength(int newLength, bool refreshViews)
      2. int length = Length;
      3. // ...
      4. }


    • Do not use a “library” prefix for types (e.g. instead of QnoDatabase, use a more descriptive name, like MetaDatabase or RelationalDatabase).
    • You may use a prefix when it’s more convenient for disambiguation, as for UI-control libraries. If you do use a prefix, use a whole word (e.g. prefer Quino to Qno) and apply it consistently.
    • Avoid very generic type names (e.g. Element, Node, Message or Log), which collide with types from the framework or other commonly-used libraries. Use a more specific name, if at all possible.
    • If there are multiple types encapsulating similar concepts (but with different implementations, for example), you should use a common suffix to group them. For example, all the expression node types in the Encodo expressions library end in the word Expression.


    Local Variables and Parameters

    A parameter name or local variable should have the same name as the type. It is valid to use shorter forms for longer type names, as long as the context is clear.

    • IMetaExpressionFactory: can be metaExpressionFactory, expressionFactory or factory.
    • f is not acceptable for parameters, but is acceptable for a local variable in a short body.


    • Assemblies should be named after their content.
    • Group assemblies with a common prefix (e.g. Encodo or Quino).
    • Separate identifiers in assembly names with a period.
    • The root namespace of an assembly does not have to match the assembly name.
    • The AssemblyInfo.cs file must contain company, copyright and version information.


    • The name of the file should match the type name.
    • Generated partial classes belong in a separate file, using the same root name as the user-editable file, but extended by an identifier to indicate its purpose or origin (as in the example below). This extra part must be Pascal-cased. For example:
      1. Company.cs // user-modifiable file
      2. Company.Metadata.cs // properties generated from metadata
    • If a generic type is the only type with that name, then do not include the parameter names in the filename. If there is a non-generic type and a generic type with the same name, then the filename should include the generic argument names enclosed in {}. E.g. If the types Atom and Atom<TInput> both exist, then the filenames should be Atom.c and Atom{TInput}.cs, respectively.
    • Tests for a file go in <FileName>Tests.cs (if there are a lot of tests, they should be split into several files, but always using the form ) where Extra identifies the group of tests found in the file. Tests should be defined in their own assembly to avoid dependencies on unit-testing assemblies. The tests for a class should appear in the same location as the class being tested. That is, the tests for the class Encodo.Tools.Csv.CsvParser should be in Encodo.Testing.Tools.Csv.CsvParser.


    • The namespace must match the file location in the project. For example, if the project’s root namespace is Encodo.Parsers, then the file located at Csv/CsvParser.cs should have the namespace Encodo.Parsers.Csv.
    • Namespaces start with <CustomerName>.<ProductName> (e.g. Encodo.Quino.* or Encodo.Punchclock.*)
    • Namespaces should be plural, as they will contain multiple types (e.g. Encodo.Expressions instead of Encodo.Expression). This also reduces the risk of collision.
    • If your framework or application encompasses more than one tier, use the same namespace identifiers for similar tasks. For example, common data-access code goes in Encodo.Data, but metadata-based data-access code goes in Encodo.Quino.Data.
    • Do not use “reserved” namespace names like System because these will conflict with standard .NET namespaces and require resolution using the global:: namespace prefix.



    • If a class implements a single interface, it should reflect this by incorporating the interface name into its own (e.g. MetaList implements IList).
    • Static classes containing extension methods end in Extensions
    • All other static classes should use the suffix Tools.
    • abstract classes should use the suffix Base.
    • Prefix interfaces with the letter “I”.


    • Simple enumerations have singular names, whereas bit-sets have plural names.

    Generic Parameters

    • If a class or method has a single generic parameter, use the letter T.
    • If there are two generic parameters and they correspond to a key and a value, then use K and V.
    • Generic methods on classes with a generic parameter should use TResult, where appropriate. The example below shows a generic class with such a method.
      1. public class ListBookmarkSelection<T> : IBookmarkSelection
      2. {
      3. public IList<TResult> GetObjects<TResult>()
      4. {
      5. // Convert list contents from T to TResult
      6. }
      7. }
    • Generic conversion functions should use TInput and TOutput, respectively.
    • If there are multiple parameters, but no pattern, name the “contained” element T (if there is one) and the other parameters something specific starting with the letter T.

    Sequences and Lists

    • Prefer the plural form (e.g. appointments) for sequences (e.g. IEnumerable<T>) and lists or arrays
    • Use the suffix “List” when you want to emphasize that a parameter or property is a list (e.g. appointmentList).



    • Properties should be nouns or adjectives.
    • Prepend “Is” to the name for Boolean properties only if the intent is unclear without it. The next example shows such a case:
      1. public bool Empty { get; }
      2. public bool IsEmpty { get; }
      Even though it’s a property not a method, the first example might still be interpreted as a verb rather than an adjective. The second example adds the verb “Is” to avoid confusion, but both formulations are acceptable.
    • A property’s backing field (if present) must be an underscore followed by the name of the property in camel case.
    • Use common names, like Item or Value, for accessing the central property of a type.
    • Do not include type information in property names. For example, for a property of type IMetaRelation, use the name Relation instead of the name MetaRelation.
    • Make the identifier as short as possible without losing information. For example, if a class named IViewContext has a property of type IViewContextHandler, that property should be called Handler.
    • If there are two properties that could be shortened in this way, then neither of them should be. If the class in the example above has another property of type IEventListHandler, then the properties should be named something like ViewContextHandler and EventListHandler, respectively.
    • Avoid repeating information in a class member that is already in the class name. Suppose, there is an interface named IMessages; instances of this interface are typically named messages. That interface should not have a property named Messages because that would result in calls to messages.Messages.Count, which is redundant and not very readable. Instead, name the property something more semantically relevant, like All, so the call would read messages.All.Count.


    • Methods names should include a verb.
    • Method names should not repeat information from the enclosing type. For example, an interface named IMessages should not have a method named LogMessage; instead name the method Log.
    • State what a method does; do not describe the parameters (let code-completion and the signature do that for you).
    • Methods that return values should indicate this in their name, like GetList(), GetItem() or CreateDefaultDatabase(). Though there is garbage collection in C#, you should still use Get to indicate retrieval of a local value and Create to indicate a factory method, which always creates a new reference. For example, instead of writing:
      1. public IDataList<GenericObject> GetList(IMetaClass cls)
      2. {
      3. }
    1. public IDataList<GenericObject> CreateList(IMetaClass cls)
    2. {
    3. return ViewApplication.Application.CreateContext<GenericObject>(cls);
    4. }
    • Avoid defining everything as a noun or a manager. Prefer names that are logically relevant, like Missile.Launch() rather than MissileLauncher.Execute(missile).
    • Methods that set a single property value should begin with the verb Set.
    • The most generalized version of a method name should be reserved for the method that the framework wishes to encourage or that is used most often. An example from [6] is reproduced below:

    • Extension methods for a given class or interface should appear in a class named after the class or interface being extended, plus the suffix “Tools”. For example, extension methods for the class Enum should appear in a class named EnumTools.
    • In the case of interfaces, the leading “I” should be dropped from the class name. For example, extension methods for the interface IEnumerable<T> should appear in a class named EnumerableTools.


    • Prefer whole words instead of abbreviations (use index instead of idx).
    • Parameter names should be based on their intended use or purpose rather than their type (unless the type indicates the purpose adequately).
    • Do not simply repeat the type for the parameter name; use a name that is as short as possible, but doesn’t lose meaning. (E.g. a parameter of type IDataContext should be called context instead of dataContext.)
    • However, if the method also, at some point, makes use of an IViewContext, you should make the parameter name more specific, using dataContext instead.
    • For copy constructors or equality operators, name the object to be copied or compared other.


    • Do not use the highly non-expressive x as a parameter name.
    • Instead, use a single-letter variable starting with the first letter of the type or formal parameter.
    • Parameters in a lambda expression should follow the same conventions as for parameters in standard methods.


    • Single events should be named with a noun followed by a descriptive verb in the past tense.
      1. event EventHandler MessageDispatched;
    • For paired events—one raised before executing some code and one raised after—use the gerund form (i.e. ending in “ing”) for the first event and the past tense (i.e. ending in “ed”) for the second event.
      1. event EventHandler MessageDispatching;
      2. event EventHandler MessageDispatched;
    • Event receivers are like any other methods and should be named according to their task, not the event to which they are attached. The following method updates the user interface; it does this regardless of whether it is attached as an event receiver for the MessageDispatched event.
    • Never start an event receiver method with “On” because Microsoft uses that convention for raising events.
    • To trigger an event, use Raise[EventName]; this method must be protected and virtual to allow descendants to perform work before and after calling the base method.
    • If you are raising events for changes made to properties, use the pattern Raise[Property]Changed.


    • Use a descriptive verb for delegate names, like the following examples:
      1. delegate string TransformString(T item);
      2. delegate bool ItemExists(T item);
      3. delegate int CompareItems(T first, T second);
    • Delegate method parameter names should use the same grammar as the type, so that it sound natural when executed:
      1. public string[] ToStrings(TransformToString transform)
      2. {
      3. // ...
      4. result[] = transform(item);
      5. // ...
      6. }
    • If a delegate is only used once or twice and has a relatively simple syntax, use Func<> for the parameter signature instead of declaring a delegate. The example above can be rewritten as:
      1. public string[] ToStrings(Func<T, string> transform)
      2. {
      3. // ...
      4. result[] = transform(item);
      5. // ...
      6. }
      This practice makes it much easier to determine the expected signature in code-completion as well.

    Local Variables

    Since local variables are limited to a much smaller scope and are not documented, the rules for name-selection are somewhat more relaxed.

    • Avoid using temp or i or idx for loop indexes. Use the suffix Index together with a descriptive prefix, as in colIndex or itemIndex or memberIndex.
    • Names need only be as specific as the scope requires.
    • The more limited the scope, the more abbreviated the variable may be.
    • Use real words where there is enough space to do so.
    • Use single letters in lambdas where you’re trying to save space.
    • Use _ instead of declaring useless local variables during deconstruction.
      1. object result = this[Fields.Id];
      2. if (result == null) { return null; }
      3. return (Int32)result;

    Compiler Variables

    • Compiler variables are all capital letters, with words separated by underscores.
      2. return true;
      3. #else
      4. #endif