arangosh Examples

    • : name of the database to connect to
    • --server.username <string>: database username
    • --server.authentication <bool>: whether or not to use authentication

    For example, to connect to an ArangoDB server on IP on port 8530 with the user foo and using the database test, use:

    arangosh will then display a password prompt and try to connect to the server after the password was entered.

    At signs @ in startup option arguments need to be escaped as @@. ArangoDB programs and tools support a special syntax @envvar@ that substitutes text wrapped in at signs with the value of an equally called environment variable. This is most likely an issue with passwords and the --server.password option.

    The shell will print its own version number and if successfully connected to a server the version number of the ArangoDB server.

    If the server endpoint is configured for SSL then clients such as arangosh need to connect to it using an SSL socket as well. For example, use http+ssl:// as schema in --server.endpoint for an SSL-secured HTTP connection.

    The schema of an endpoint is comprised of a protocol and a socket in the format protocol+socket://. There are alternatives and shorthands for some combinations, ssl:// is equivalent to http+ssl:// and https:// for instance:

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    To get a list of available commands, arangosh provides a help() function. Calling it will display helpful information.