Linux OS Tuning Script Examples
This page includes script examples that can be used to tune the operating system (OS) in case you are using Debian or CentOS, along with instructions on how to install the scripts.
It is important that the script is set up in a way that it gets executed even after the machine reboots. Instructions on how to configure your system so that the script executes during the boot process can be found below.
Installation Instructions:
Set correct permission, to mark the file executable:
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/arangodb-os-optimization
You might need the package sysfsutils. If this is the case, please install it via:
sudo apt install sysfsutils
To optimize the OS “now”, without having to restart the system, the script must also be directly executed once.
RedHat / CentOS / SUSE
Installation Instructions:
Set correct permission, to mark the file executable. As root:
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/arangodb-os-optimization
On CentOS/RedHat, use the following commands to configure your system to execute the script during the boot process. As root:
You might need the package sysfsutils. If this is the case, please install it, as root, via:
yum install sysfsutils