Phoenix Storage Handler for Apache Hive

    • Phoenix 4.8.0+
    • Hive 1.2.1+

    Hive Setup

    Make phoenix-version-hive.jar available for Hive:

    Step 1: Add to

    Step 2: Add a property to hive-site.xml so that Hive MapReduce jobs can use the .jar:

    1. <property>
    2. <name>hive.aux.jars.path</name>
    3. <value>file://<path></value>
    4. </property>

    For INTERNAL tables, Hive manages the lifecycle of the table and data. When a Hive table is created, a corresponding Phoenix table is also created. Once the Hive table is dropped, the Phoenix table is also deleted.

    For EXTERNAL tables, Hive works with an existing Phoenix table and manages only Hive metadata. Dropping an EXTERNAL table from Hive deletes only Hive metadata but does not delete the Phoenix table.

    1. i1 int,
    2. s1 string,
    3. f1 float,
    4. d1 decimal
    5. )
    6. STORED BY 'org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler'
    8. "" = "ext_table",
    9. "phoenix.zookeeper.quorum" = "localhost",
    10. "phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent" = "/hbase",
    11. "phoenix.zookeeper.client.port" = "2181",
    12. "phoenix.rowkeys" = "i1",
    13. "phoenix.column.mapping" = "i1:i1, s1:s1, f1:f1, d1:d1"
    14. );
      • Specifies the Phoenix table name
      • Default: the same as the Hive table
    • phoenix.zookeeper.quorum
      • Default: localhost
    • phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent
      • Specifies the ZooKeeper parent node for HBase
      • Default: /hbase
    • phoenix.zookeeper.client.port
      • Specifies the ZooKeeper port
      • Default: 2181
    • phoenix.rowkeys
      • The list of columns to be the primary key in a Phoenix table
      • Required
    • phoenix.column.mapping
      • Mappings between column names for Hive and Phoenix. See for details.

    Data Ingestion, Deletions, and Updates

    Data ingestion can be done by all ways that Hive and Phoenix support:


    1. upsert into table T values (.....);
    2. Phoenix CSV BulkLoad tools

    All delete and update operations should be performed on the Phoenix side. See for more details.

    Those options can be set in a Hive command-line interface (CLI) environment.

    Parameter Default Value Description
    hbase.scan.cache 100 Read row size for a unit request
    hbase.scan.cacheblock false Whether or not cache block false If true, mappers use table statistics. One mapper per guide post.
    [hive-table-name].reducer.count 1 Number of reducers. In Tez mode, this affects only single-table queries. See Limitations.
    [phoenix-table-name].query.hint Hint for Phoenix query (for example, NO_INDEX)


    • Hive update and delete operations require transaction manager support on both Hive and Phoenix sides. Related Hive and Phoenix JIRAs are listed in the Resources section.
    • Column mapping does not work correctly with mapping row key columns.
    • MapReduce and Tez jobs always have a single reducer.
    • : Implementation, accepted by Apache Phoenix community. Original pull request contains modification for Hive classes.